
Without warning, he levered himself off the bed and walked over to the small refrigerator. Lana felt abruptly naked, her tank top in tatters, her shorts . . . somewhere. She got up and headed for the bathroom, not certain what she’d do there, only knowing she couldn’t lie on the bed like a rejected lover, one whose blood obviously wasn’t desirable unless he was trapped with no options.

Vincent caught her hand as she walked past him. “Lana?” he said, scowling as he tugged her to a stop. “What’s wrong?”

“Wrong? Why would anything be wrong?” she snapped, refusing to look at him. She tried to pull away, but his grip on her hand strengthened and he tugged her against his chest, his powerful arms coming around to hold her there.

“Tell me,” he demanded.

Lana gritted her teeth, refusing to give him the satisfaction.

“I can make you tell,” he murmured.

“But you won’t,” she replied smugly.

His arms tightened around her. “Don’t be so sure,” he growled. “A moment ago, you were screaming my name while your pussy squeezed my cock so hard I thought I’d lose it. What happened between now and then?”

“It’s not what happened,” she said, fighting uselessly against his hold. “It’s what d—” She shut her mouth before she made an even bigger fool of herself.

“What didn’t?” he guessed, too clever for his own good. “What didn’t happen, Lana?” he asked, sounding genuinely puzzled.

She pushed back enough to bite his arm, but he only laughed.

“You think biting will make me release you? I’m a vampire, querida. Biting only turns me on.” She could feel the truth of his words in the hard length of his shaft pressing against her belly.

“Well, at least one of us is using her teeth,” she snapped. And almost immediately, she wished she could take the words back as Vincent grew very still, his arms suddenly like iron bands.

“You want me to bite you?”

“Don’t put yourself out,” she snapped. “I’m not some pity—”

She never finished her sentence as Vincent fisted his fingers in her hair, yanked her head to one side, and sank his fangs into her vein. Lana’s entire body convulsed as she went from trembling in surprise to full-body orgasm in the space of a heartbeat. She cried out, gasping for air, her heart racing so hard that it was pounding on her lungs, stealing her breath. Vincent’s strong arms enclosed her, one around her neck, her jaw cupped in his hand as he held her still for his bite, his other around her waist, crushing her against his body, her feet barely touching the floor as she shuddered in wanton hunger.

Lana reached up and caressed the back of his head, threading her fingers through his long hair as she struggled not to pass out from the sheer, overwhelming pleasure suffusing every inch of her body.

“Vincent,” she whispered, clutching his shoulders, her nails digging into the thick muscles.

With a snarl, Vincent lifted his head, his fangs gleaming red with her blood. His muscles flexed as he swung her around and threw her face first onto the bed. Kneeling behind her, he gripped her hips in both hands and lifted her ass into the air. There was no finesse, no seduction. His thick fingers reached between her thighs and found her wet and ready for him, and then his cock was slamming into her, his hips slapping her ass as he went balls-deep with a single stroke.

Lana buried her head in her arms and hung on, her nerves still thrumming with arousal from his bite as he fucked her wildly, his growls punctuating every thrust, until he gripped her hair once more, and pulled her onto her knees. With her back pressed against his chest, he buried his fingers in her pussy and his fangs in her neck and they both came so hard she thought the room would break apart around them.

Lana cried Vincent’s name, over and over again, the euphoric in his bite shrieking along her nerves while his release filled her with heat until finally she couldn’t stand anymore and she screamed wordlessly.

The next thing she knew, Vincent’s tongue was wet and warm on her neck, and some vague memory told her he was sealing the puncture wounds. They were lying down, stretched out on the bed, her back still to Vincent’s front, but he was caressing her now, soothing her as she came down from the dual euphoria of having his bite and his cock. It was every bit as devastating as she’d dreamed it would be, and she didn’t think she’d ever be able to move again.

“Did I hurt you?” Vincent inquired quietly, and she heard the genuine concern in his voice. The worry.

She shook her head silently, reaching back to caress his jaw. “It was beautiful,” she whispered. “You’re beautiful.”

Vincent kissed the side of her neck. “That’s my line,” he murmured, smiling against her skin. “Besides, I’m supposed to be devastatingly handsome, not beautiful.”

Lana smiled. “Vain, too.”

“Oh, absolutely.”

She laughed. “Do we have to move now? Because I’m not sure I can.”

“We can do whatever you want, but I’ve no objection to spending the night inside you.”

Lana shivered. She knew he meant it. “I’ll need food.”