
Gathering every ounce of his own strength, relying on every hour of experience he’d acquired, every technique he’d learned over his long life, Vincent delved into Enrique’s mind. Using the unique ability that was his alone, he forced the vampire lord back into his youth, back to when he’d first come to Mexico, and then back farther still, to his childhood on the streets of southern Spain.

Because just as Enrique knew Vincent’s history, so did Vincent know Enrique’s. It was his talent, after all, to know the secrets that every vampire hid from the world.

And Enrique’s secret was one that he’d guarded desperately, not only from Vincent but from himself. Because although Enrique had taunted Vincent as being the bastard son of a whore, it was Enrique himself who’d been born on the streets, the child of a teenaged prostitute who’d sold her son for the price of a good meal. He’d been the lowest servant in a wealthy household, everyone’s dogsbody, kicked and abused, forced to see the rewards of tremendous wealth every day, but existing in abject hardship and degradation. It wasn’t until he was older and slaving long hours loading cargo for his owner that he’d caught the eye of a vampire on the hunt for new followers—young, strong men who could serve him in the vampire wars so common in that time. The vampire had turned Enrique, and Enrique’s first act upon waking as a vampire was to hunt down his human master and rip out his throat.

But it wasn’t the murder of his former owner that haunted Enrique. It was the years he’d spent at the mercy of others, tortured, starved, too young and weak to defend himself. It was a horrible childhood and one that would have gained him sympathy and even understanding, if he hadn’t become a monster himself.

If he hadn’t threatened the life of the woman Vincent loved.

So the battle was joined. Vincent was familiar with Enrique’s power, familiar with how he used it to punish and intimidate. While Vincent’s talent was a thing of subtlety and intricate manipulation, Enrique’s strength was a blunt instrument, a cudgel wielded by a bully, quite literally. He would try to physically destroy Vincent, to crush organs and shatter bones. Vincent could have cudgeled him back, but only at the expense of his efforts to destroy Enrique’s mind. Instead, he hardened his shield, determined to survive the battering long enough to permit his own unusual talent to work on Enrique’s mind, to dig into his memories and savage without pity until there was no intellect left to drive the vampire lord’s tremendous power, until he was trapped in a circle of his own thoughts, his own childhood nightmare.

Vincent tore through Enrique’s memories like tissue paper, digging recklessly, shunting aside any memories that didn’t help him, anything that gave Enrique pleasure or satisfaction, obliterating them in his wake. He didn’t care about the destruction he left behind. Enrique would no longer need a functioning mind when Vincent was through with him. He’d be nothing but a pile of dust.

But Enrique wasn’t defeated yet. Vincent felt the wave of power slice through him a moment before he was slammed to the floor with such force that the parquet cracked beneath his weight. Flesh split and muscles screamed and still he held on, burying Enrique in the horror of his past, forcing him to relive every humiliation, every instant of childhood terror, until Vincent was certain the tide was about to turn.

But again, Enrique rallied, pummeling Vincent with a series of blows that were like boulders flying through the air, smashing into him with such speed and force that one of Vincent’s arms broke under the assault. He howled in agony, but he held on, forcing himself to ignore the pain, to forget the grinding of his bones as he gripped Enrique in a headlock, hindering his assault while Vincent continued to plow through his mind, leaving a trail of ruin and torment.

The two of them had long ago rolled to the floor, Vincent crushing the smaller lord beneath his greater bulk while Enrique shouted his fury, punctuating his attacks with enraged screams. But even as Enrique continued to fight, as his defiant shouts shook the glass dome overhead, every vampire in the room sensed the moment when the momentum shifted, when their lord’s defiance turned hollow. The mood among the watching vampires shifted in that instant, as they realized—many for the first time—that Enrique could very well die in the next few minutes.

Fear became a monster lurking in the dark depths of the huge room, fear that Enrique would die, that they all would die with him, fear that in victory, Vincent would execute Enrique’s followers; and there were many of those. And that fear sucked the power out of Enrique even as he fought for his life, as he reached out to his vampires, willing to drain them dry to save himself, only to find them shrieking in terror, siphoning his strength instead in their desperate need for reassurance and safety.

Without warning, something . . . changed, an indefinable something, a sudden deprivation of air, a bubble of static electricity exploding outward, clinging to the skin of every vampire present and cutting off Enrique’s enraged roar mid-howl. The whimpers of a small boy emerged to replace the snarls of the powerful lord. And Vincent knew immediately what had happened. He grabbed hold of the memory he’d found and spun it ruthlessly, forcing the grown man to confront the horrors of the child, to relive it over and over again, the terror, the helplessness, the hunger and thirst.

Until finally the blows that had been driven by the force of a vampire lord’s might became nothing but the fists of an ordinary man.

Vincent straightened with a roar of victory, a roar flavored with agony as he clenched his broken hand and slammed it into Enrique’s chest. In an act of sheer willpower, he squeezed the life out of the vampire lord’s heart, destroying the organ and finally, finally ending the long life of Enrique Fernandez del Solar, Lord of Mexico.

Vincent knelt in the blood and dust of Enrique’s destruction with only one goal—to get to Lana. The image of Enrique’s savagery when he’d thrown her across the room was stuck in the forefront of Vincent’s mind, playing in a loop eerily similar to the one he’d used to torture Enrique to his death. He forced himself to turn, ignoring the pain, blinking against the blood filling his eyes as he searched for Lana, when suddenly he was struck by a blow from nowhere, a blow more powerful than anything Enrique had delivered. Shoved backward until he was bent nearly flat, he would have collapsed if Michael hadn’t caught him, if he hadn’t felt the power of his vampires surrounding him, if they hadn’t protected him as the mantle of lordship crashed into him. Thousands of vampires all cried out at once, clinging to him, demanding life and protection, pleading for comfort as the order they’d known for centuries under Enrique now disintegrated and coalesced around a new center, a new Lord of Mexico. Vincent.

Vincent rocked back, ass on his heels, eyes closed, head held in bloody, broken hands. He groaned, amazed that there was any new pain left to feel, that there was a single inch of him that could hurt more than it already did. Enrique had spoken once of the burden of leadership, complaining about the whining and the demands, about the constant barrage of need, until he felt like he was never alone in his own head. Vincent had dismissed it, thinking it was simply one more sign of Enrique’s hateful personality. But now he understood. And he wondered why he couldn’t have left well enough alone, couldn’t have let some other vampire kill Enrique and take on this burden of responsibility and leadership.

But even as he thought it, he knew it wouldn’t have worked. Maybe when he’d still been human, he would have willingly accepted a secondary role in life, accepted the inherent limitations of his bastard birth and followed someone else’s lead. But from the moment he’d been made Vampire, something had been born inside him, something that had goaded him into action and made him claw his way to the top, seizing power from vampire after vampire until it culminated in this moment in time.

Vincent was Lord of Mexico. It was what he had been reborn to become.

He reached out to the thousands of vampires who were now his to protect. Shielding them from his pain, he sent them a message of reassurance first, a soothing balm of care. But he followed it with a taste of his power, a demand that they cease whining like toddlers and go back to their lives. They were safe, and they should now shut the fuck up.

Silence descended and Vincent had only one thought. Where was Lana?

He opened eyes bleary with sweat and blood and scanned the huge room. The scent of her blood struck a hammer blow—it was too strong, there was too much blood—and he knew real fear for the first time in decades. He tried to stand, but his legs wouldn’t hold him, so he crawled. She lay where Enrique had thrown her, limp and unmoving, still hidden behind Carolyn who crouched protectively, fangs gleaming, glaring daggers at anyone who drew too close. Her head snapped around and she hissed a warning at Vincent’s approach, before her gaze cleared and she blushed in recognition.

“My lord,” she whispered, cringing back as if expecting punishment.

“Thank you, Carolyn.” He managed to say it softly, without growling, though all he wanted to do was shove her aside to get to Lana.

Seeming to understand, Carolyn scooted away, clearing his approach.

Vincent did growl then. When he saw what Enrique had done to Lana, he wished he could bring the bastard back, wished he could keep him alive for weeks, toying with his memories, making him relive every torment, every humiliation over and over again.

Lana’s soft moan snapped him out of his fantasies of torture. He crawled closer and stroked the back of his fingers over her cheek.

“Lana,” he said quietly.

Her eyes fluttered opened and her lips curved into a bare smile. “Vincent,” she whispered, her voice so weak and so laced with pain that he wanted to howl.

Scooping her into his lap, he ignored her cries of pain and wrapped his arms around her. Then leaning back against the wall, he ripped open his wrist with his fangs and held it to her mouth. “Drink, querida.”

She turned her head away at first, eyes closed, her face scrunched in protest.