
"Okay,” she said. “Kolinsky."

"Kolinsky,” Raphael agreed.

"He's Russian Mafia, fairly high up. That's all I could find out on that score, but I'll check my office here before we leave. My guy was going to fax a picture over. I've got another friend who might be able to tell me more, but she's on assignment and I have to wait for her to call me. There's no way of knowing when that will be, which is why I want to check out this warehouse myself. Whoever's making this move on you won't wait forever."

"Certainly not. In fact, I would expect to hear from them very soon."

She spun around to look at him. “Why?"

"I'm in the midst of some ... delicate negotiations. I begin to think these events are related."


Raphael studied her carefully, then gave a barely discernible nod, as if deciding to trust her. “You say this Kolinsky is Russian. Let us just say, my current business also has a Russian connection."

"Makes sense."


Cynthia stood, stomping her feet firmly into the boots. “You ready to rock and roll?"

Raphael rolled gracefully off the bed and to his feet. Slowly enough for her to watch him this time. Which she did. Anyway you looked at it, moving or standing still, he was total eye candy. “Juro has arrived with the SUV."

"I'll drive my own car,” she insisted.

"Two cars, then. I'll ride with you."

Cyn snorted. She and Raphael alone in her truck on a dark night. They'd be lucky if they made it out of the driveway with their clothes on.

Chapter Twenty-seven

Cyn adjusted the angle of her rear view mirror so she couldn't see the fierce scowl Duncan was aiming at her from the backseat. She hadn't needed to worry about being alone with Raphael after all. Duncan had insisted on going with them, as if it was she who posed a threat to the vampire lord, rather than the other way around. Next to her in the front passenger seat, Raphael sat tapping his fingers rhythmically on the padded leather of the door. Oh, for God's sake, she thought. He was humming. The vampire lord was humming a cheerful, little tune. He was happy. Cyn shook her head and focused on the directions the in-dash GPS was feeding her. This was a part of L.A. she was not at all familiar with. It was heavily commercial, mostly abandoned this time of night, with few streetlights and too many dark corners. She made the final turn and drove slowly, looking for the address, noticing that very few of the buildings had signs of any kind, much less a street number.

"There,” Raphael said, pointing ahead to the left. “Odessa Imports.” He and Duncan exchanged a quick look, and Cynthia wondered what secrets the two of them were keeping from her. Okay, probably thousands, but the only ones that concerned her were anything to do with the mob hangout they were about to enter.

She pulled up to the curb outside and shut off the engine, noting the SUV with the other two vamps coasting to a stop right behind her. “I'll go in first. I'm harmless compared to you two. I'll just—"

"No,” Raphael said flatly. “We'll go in together."

"If the two of you walk through that door, the place will be empty in three minutes. You guys don't exactly give off a friendly vibe."

"And you, Cyn, are far too tempting a target. A woman alone in a place like this? I think not. Very well. The two of us, then."

"I will go with her, Master, if you will remain here with the others.” It was a futile effort, and Duncan knew it even as he spoke the words; she could hear it in his voice.

Raphael was already climbing out of the car, and Cyn hustled to follow before he stomped through the door on his own and destroyed any chance of doing this peacefully. For that matter, she couldn't even be certain this was a criminal hangout. There were probably a half dozen sweatshops within walking distance in this neighborhood. They could barge in and find nothing more than a bunch of illegals putting together toys to go under the Christmas trees of nice, middle-class homes all over America. She said as much to Raphael.

"You don't believe that,” he said simply.

"No.” She drew her gun, checked the full magazine, then reinserted it.

"Wait here with the others, Duncan,” Raphael said without looking away from her. “You will know if I need you."

Duncan didn't even bother to argue. He drew a single resigned breath, then nodded. “As you wish, Sire."

Raphael turned long enough to give his lieutenant a reassuring pat on the shoulder, then said, “Who shall we be, Cyn? I don't suppose you still have your badge?"

Cynthia rolled her eyes. Great. Just great. “You be the strong, silent muscle,” she said, checking the small of her back beneath her leather jacket, verifying the second gun tucked into her waistband. “I'll do the talking, okay?"