
Sarah pushed aside the too warm blankets and rolled over. She might have been tired enough to fall asleep standing in the shower, but this bed was too hard and every time she closed her eyes, all she could see was Raj, his blue eyes glowing with satisfaction as she shuddered beneath him, wave after wave of orgasm rolling over her helplessly. She swore softly and sat up, reaching for the bottle of water she'd left on the cheap nightstand. As weird as she'd found the idea of drinking even the smallest amount of Raj's blood, there was only one word for what she'd felt as his blood rolled down her throat and his c*ck pounded into her body. Ecstasy, utter and complete ecstasy. Just thinking about it had her shivering eagerly, her br**sts swelling, ni**les hardening, that tight anticipation between her legs. She sighed and checked her watch. Hours to go yet. Raj would be laughing in his sleep if he could see her now.

But at least the little bit of blood she'd consumed had helped with the aches and pains after a long night of sex, especially since she'd been celibate for over a year. What soreness she'd experienced was already beginning to fade, thanks to the healing effect of vampire blood. Clearly, there were definite advantages to having a vampire lover. Apart from the incredible sex, of course. Cyn had dropped hints, more than hints really, of mind-blowing sex. But Sarah hadn't understood until now. And sex with Raj was more than just sex. It was, well, it was that trite old phrase . . . making love. There was more between them than simple sexual attraction. Way more. It seemed impossible that she could love someone after so short a time, but she did. She loved Raj. Absolutely, totally, head-over-heels love. Who would have thought? She laughed out loud and covered her mouth quickly, not wanting anyone to hear.

My God, what would her colleagues at the university think? Proper little Professor Stratton—her thoughts stuttered to a halt. But she wasn't Professor Stratton anymore, was she? That part of her life was gone. The truth was a dark cloud hanging over her happiness, and she shoved it aside along with the blankets. She wasn't going to think about that today.

She swung out of bed. There were hours to kill before sunset. Hours before she could see Raj and he could make her forget all about ruined careers. She sighed and looked around. Well, she might have to stay in the warehouse, but she sure as hell wasn't going to stay in this damn room all day. She needed to work off some energy or she really was going to go nuts.

Peeling off Raj's sweatshirt, she held it to her face, inhaling the warm smell that was eau de Raj. It was the only reason she'd slept in it, not that she'd ever admit that to anyone, least of all him. He wasn't exactly lacking in the arrogance department. Or any other department, she thought wickedly. Feeling somewhat smug, she donned a sports bra and underwear and then pulled on a pair of leggings and a t-shirt. She might have to stay inside, but it was a very big warehouse. More than big enough to give her a place to run.

An hour later, Sarah was pounding around the parked SUVs one more time, ducking instinctively as she started along the wall beneath the overhang of the mezzanine balcony. There were empty offices here and she wondered what this warehouse had once been used for. Manufactured goods maybe, from the good old days when Buffalo had been the heart of the steel belt. Now gone to rust like everything else.

She swerved away from the wall to avoid the open grids of the metal stairway and headed toward the living area. Simon was tapping away on his computers. He didn't even look up when she ran past, just as he hadn't on the previous nineteen circuits. She kept going until she hit the stairs again before deciding she'd tormented her body enough for one day and gave up. Besides, it wasn't like she hadn't gotten plenty of exercise the night before. She smiled at the thought and slowed even further, shaking her legs out in a small circle at the foot of the stairs, intending to go directly to her room and into a hot shower.


Sarah jumped about two feet straight up, spinning around to stare at the waiflike young woman sitting about a third of the way up the stairs.

"I'm Nina,” the woman said when Sarah blinked at her in confusion. “You must be Sarah."

"Uh, yeah. Sorry, but who're you?"

"Oh, they didn't tell you?

"Tell me what?"

The girl blushed and Sarah felt like an ass. She was a skinny, little thing, barely there in a too summery dress and pink sweater, clutching one of those tiny, pink rhinestone-covered cell phones with fingers that were more bone than flesh. And she was gazing up at Sarah with faded blue eyes in a pale face that seemed too old for her years.

"Sorry,” Sarah said again. “You just surprised me, that's all. I didn't know anyone else was here. Well, except for the guards, you know, and Simon."

"Yeah,” the girl said vaguely.

"So, who are you again?"

"Nina,” she repeated, as if that meant something.

"Are you with one of the human guards?” More likely, Sarah thought privately, this child was with one of the vampires. She certainly looked like she'd been drained of not just blood, but vitality.

"No. I'm with Byron and Serge."

"Are they here too?"

"No,” the girl said sadly.

Sarah was beginning to think maybe Nina wasn't playing with a full deck. “Okay. I've got to, uh, go upstairs and, um, shower, so I'll just . . .” She took a step toward the stairs, intending to go over or around the waiflike Nina, but the girl suddenly came alive.

"Do you have any magazines to read?"

Sarah stopped with one foot on the stair and frowned. “I might have something in my car."

Nina brightened. “Is your car here?"

"Well, yeah, but—"

"Maybe you could take me to the store then!"

"Oh. No. I can't do that. I mean I promised—"
