
"But you knew something was wrong."

"I suspected."

Raj sighed inwardly. Conversation among powerful vampires was like swimming through mud; there was no clear path and too many unseen hazards. Every word became a weapon, and what was left unsaid often conveyed far more than what was said. On the other hand, boldness was a virtue. “Time runs out, my lord. Even for vampires. I need to know if you intend to remain neutral, as you have in the South."

"And why would I not?"

"Because Krystof did you a favor once."

"Did he?"

"Krystof has told me, my lord, of how you arrived in this country, how you came to his court and he permitted you to travel through to the West Coast to establish your own territory."

Raphael's black gaze focused sharply on Raj. He bared his teeth in a slow smile, seeming genuinely amused, but there was nothing friendly about it. “Do you really believe he could have stopped me, Rajmund?"

Raj swallowed his irritation, sorting his own truth from his master's fantasies. “No,” he answered evenly. “No, my lord, but Krystof believes it, and he might call upon you if he felt threatened. I wondered if you might have a lingering fondness for him that would respond."

"My interest is in stability. If Krystof is unable to maintain his territory, it endangers us all."

Raj nodded, figuring that was the best answer he was going to get. He was surprised when Raphael kept talking.

"I have long felt there should be more cooperation among the territories,” he said calmly, crossing his legs and smoothing away invisible wrinkles. “It occurs to me that you and I have much in common."

"My lord?"

"A certain outlook, Rajmund. A practical approach to doing business.” He met Raj's gaze directly. “Should the occasion ever arise, I believe it would benefit us both, and the Vampire population at large, if we were to . . . consult in the future."

Jesus Christ, Raphael was not only giving his tacit approval for Raj to overthrow Krystof, he was proposing a f**king alliance. With Raj ruling the Northeast and Raphael the entire West, they would go a long way toward controlling the Vampire population of North America. The other council lords would scream bloody murder if they knew. The lords never cooperated in anything; it made doing business with each other almost impossible. But if he and Raphael—

"What do you think of the South?” Raphael continued casually, as if he hadn't just dropped a political bomb in Raj's lap.

"It's hot and sticky,” Raj said, grinning, “But I doubt that's what you had in mind."

Raphael gave a bare smile.

"I was surprised when Anthony seized control,” Raj continued, in a more serious vein. “I thought he was content with New Orleans."

"He was,” Duncan confirmed. “Jabril let him run New Orleans however he wanted, as long as he paid tribute. But then the hurricane wiped out half of his holdings and more than half of his people."

"That many?” Raj said in surprise.

"At least,” Duncan said, nodding. “He's being very cagey about the specific numbers, but it's no secret he wouldn't have gone for the territory otherwise."

Raj frowned thoughtfully. “I don't know Anthony that well, but I wouldn't have judged him to have the juice to hold the territory for long."

Raphael shrugged. “Anthony required certain assistance, particularly with regard to Jabril's rather convoluted finances. One of my own, Jaclyn, is quite skilled in such matters and is remaining in the South for the time being.

Raj kept his expression blank as he glanced between Duncan and Raphael, surprised again by the bluntness of their conversation. Raphael had all but said outright that Anthony was only able to hold his territory because of Raphael's backing. Was this meant to be proof of Raphael's new policy of cooperation?

"As you said, my lord,” Raj said finally, nodding at Raphael, “Stability is the goal for all of us. It would be . . . unsettling, to say the least, if the South were to suffer another loss so soon."

"Yes,” Raphael agreed, his eyes raised to follow the progress of his mate who had left her perch by the bar and was now returning to the banquette. “Lubimaya,” he said.

"Time's up, handsome,” she responded, taking his hand and pulling him to his feet. “I want to dance.” She gestured toward the VIP lounge through the glass wall. The dance floor had filled once again with writhing bodies, some of which were actually dancing.

"My lord,” Raj said, standing up next to Raphael. “I can drop the window entirely, if you prefer."

"Perfect,” Cynthia decided. “Let's join this party!"