
"Yossi's here already, so Angel's coming in,” she said.

Yossi was one of Raj's vampires. Angel was his human lover of several decades. “Put Angel and one of the guys on her during the day. I want someone who can stay close if she goes out. I want to know everyone she sees and what they say."

Em gave him a puzzled look as she pulled into the warehouse lot and parked near the door, leaving the engine running. “You think she's up to something?"

Raj frowned. “I don't know. But someone with a grudge against me might think she's important and an easy target."

"So, you think there are more humans involved than just Estelle Edwards?"

"Maybe. I ran into Edward Blackwood last night at a restaurant. He'd love to get his hands on some vamp blood for research, and his institute sure as hell has the money to fund something like that."

"Maybe this other vamp, the one trying to move in, is offering his own blood as the sample,” Em suggested.

"Would that be enough? Dr. Edwards's husband seemed to think she'd need more than one donor."

"Hell if I know, boss. We need someone who knows blood."

"Not just blood, but vampire blood,” Raj said thoughtfully. “Okay, Em, I'm out of here. I'll see you tomorrow."

He didn't waste any time, spinning tires out of the parking lot, heading straight for his lair downtown. There was only one person he knew of who might have answers to his questions and be willing to talk to him. That was Peter Saephan, Raphael's very private human physician. Raj wouldn't even have considered such a thing before his recent meeting with Raphael. But if the Western Vampire Lord was serious about cooperation, this was the perfect opportunity to prove it. Besides, if someone was selling vampire blood, the vampire community worldwide would be affected. Peasants with torches would be nothing compared to the hunt that would ensue if humans found out what vampire blood could do for them.

He checked his watch again. It was still early on the west coast and he might have just enough time for a call before the sun took him.

Chapter Twenty-nine

Buffalo, New York

Sarah stayed in bed late the next morning. She kept her eyes closed, hoping to go back to sleep, but it wasn't happening. Not that she wasn't tired. She hadn't slept well again last night, but it wasn't dreams that kept her awake this time, it was a guilty conscience. And she was beginning to think she preferred the dreams.

The problem was she didn't know exactly what she was feeling guilty about. Was it because she'd stood by while Raj had his vampire way with Jennifer Stewart's head? Or was it because she'd accused Raj of something horrible without any real evidence?

She'd replayed the scene in Jennifer's dorm room over and over in her head, lying there in bed staring at the ceiling all night. And she couldn't help thinking she'd missed something. Something vital.

She sighed. The sun was beaming into her room. Her windows faced east, and only the lower part was shuttered. Normally, she liked that her bedroom was sunny and warm in the morning, especially in winter. Today, it just highlighted the dust on her dresser and reminded her that Raj was beyond her reach. Of course, even if it had been nighttime, he probably wouldn't talk to her. He'd been pretty pissed last night.

On the other hand, Jennifer was eighteen years old and probably slept with her cell phone glued to her ear. Sarah got out of bed and dug her own cell phone out of her purse. A quick check of her call log gave her Jen's number from last night, when she'd called from the Raj's car.

The girl answered immediately with, “Jen.” She certainly sounded chipper enough, Sarah thought.

"Hi, Jen. This is Sarah Stratton. I came to see you last night at the dorm, remember? About Trish?"

"Yeah, sure. Hi, Professor Stratton."

"I had a couple more questions for you. Could I meet you later today?"

"I guess. I'm kind of working, though. I have a kiddy lit paper that's like thirty percent of my grade due the day we come back from break. What kind of a moron makes a paper due on the day after spring break?” she groused, and then seemed to remember whom she was talking to. “Anyway,” she mumbled. “I have a couple hours. My brother's picking me up later to go up to my parents’ house. I guess I could meet you."

Sarah ignored the lack of enthusiasm and said, “Great. Are you in your room?"

"Right,” Jen said, laughing in a way that told Sarah she'd asked a stupid question. “Like anyone could study in that place today! It's like a tomb. No. I'm over at the Union. I guess I could do a food break or something, in like maybe an hour?"

"Okay,” Sarah agreed, suddenly feeling ancient and out of touch. “I'll meet you by the front doors."

"Will Raj be with you?” Jen asked with a sudden burst of enthusiasm.

"Um, no, Jen, he's—"

"Oh, duh! Vampire.” She laughed. “Okay, look I gotta go."