
"Tomorrow night, if you're available."

"Sure, why not? Who needs sleep?"

"I want to begin with Dr. Edwards's husband. He's a man and an academic so your presence should be particularly useful."

"Gosh, thanks. I love being useful. Who's Dr. Edwards?"

"Estelle Edwards. A medical researcher and the first woman to disappear. She doesn't fit the profile and I'd like to know why."

She shrugged. “Okay."

Raj smiled. “I'll let you get some sleep then,” he said. He strode down the hall, pleased to have made a clean get away, already thinking of ways to get out of meeting her tomorrow night. God knew he wanted to spend time with her. But he wanted it too much and that wasn't healthy for either of them. He reached the front door and turned around to call a good-bye, but Sarah was right behind him.

She stood there looking up at him, her hands behind her back like a well-behaved child. She drew a deep breath that did nothing for his newfound restraint, and said, “Don't you want to kiss me good night?"

He froze. “What?"

"A good night kiss,” she persisted.

He frowned. “Sarah . . ."

She gave him an impatient look. “What's the problem, Raj? You kissed me last night, didn't you? And the night before that. Have I suddenly grown a second head or something?” She patted her shoulders, as if searching for the new growth.

"Fine.” He bent down, intending to give her a chaste kiss on the cheek, but Sarah had other plans. She turned her head at the last minute so that their lips met. And he was lost.

Her lips were soft and warm, melting beneath his as her mouth opened with a breathy little moan. He picked her up with an arm around her waist and spun around, trapping her against the wall, pressing his body to hers as he explored her sweet mouth. Their tongues tangled, her slender arms coming around his neck and pulling him closer until he thought they'd fuse into a single entity, trapped forever in a searing embrace. And surely there were worse ways to end one's life?

She cried out as his fangs nicked her lip and he pulled back, lost in his first taste of her blood, the dizzying spell of it as it raced through his system. He held her a moment longer, relishing the feel of her warm, willing body, the image of her arousal, her cheeks flushed and her eyes foggy with desire, and then he let her slide down until her feet touched the floor.

"Be careful, little one,” he whispered roughly. “Don't tease unless you're prepared to deal with the consequences.” He held her until she could stand on her own, permitting himself one tender kiss against her hungry little mouth before he pulled away. “I'll call you tomorrow,” he said, and then he left, her frustrated protest echoing down an empty sidewalk behind him.

Chapter Twenty-four

Raj secured his private vault door and went directly to the bar, pouring a shot of vodka and tossing it down his throat. But nothing could wash away the lingering taste of Sarah's blood. Maybe if he'd never tasted her beyond the sweetness of her skin, he could have stayed away from her. But now . . . That tiny sip of her blood had sealed his fate. He could still leave her behind, could run back to Manhattan on the fastest jet he owned, but he would never erase the memory, the need. She was his, and he'd be damned if he'd let anyone else, human or vampire, have her. But would Sarah be damned instead if he took her?

He slammed the empty glass back onto the bar and tore off his clothes, aware of the sun rising, draining away his energy. When he fell at last into his bed, he welcomed the sweet oblivion of daytime sleep. For a few hours at least, he would be free.

When he awoke that night, there was a message from Tony Scavetti waiting for him on his voice mail asking him to call. It was hardly expected, but it was nice to know his business cards hadn't gone to waste.

Raj showered and dressed before punching in the detective's direct number.


"Raymond Gregor, Detective. You called."

"Yeah,” Scavetti said, sounding as if he'd rather have pulled every one of his own teeth than to have made that call. “I understand you'd like to talk to some of the witnesses."

Since this was about the last thing Raj expected the man to say, it took him a minute to respond. “I would,” he said finally.

"Yeah, well. I've made some calls. Dr. Edwards will be home tonight if you want to see him."

"I'll be there close to nine,” Raj said. “Why the change of heart, Detective?"

"I don't know what—"

"Let's not play games, Tony. Not between us,” Raj added dryly. “Why the sudden courtesy?"

He heard Scavetti's harsh breathing and then something that sounded like a chair hitting a wall. “You've got friends, Gregor. I'll give you that. Friends with a lot of f**king money. And money talks, even when it should keep its f**king mouth shut."