
"Maybe. But I thought it would be interesting to meet him. You know, because of Cyn and Raphael. I figured they're probably friends."

"You spoke to Krystof?"

She was suddenly aware that the light had turned green but they were still sitting there. Raj was regarding her intently, overwhelming her, not just with his size, but with a sense of menace, as if everything rested on whatever she said next.

"No,” she said carefully. “I tried to, but he was talking to this woman, like really involved, you know? I went over anyway, but when I got too close, one of the other vamps stopped me.” She shrugged. “Maybe Krystof was lining up his next meal or something. He left right after that."

Raj seemed satisfied with her answer. At least he relaxed so that she no longer felt as if her life hung on her next words. He glanced up at the light and accelerated across the intersection. “Just as well,” he said at last. “Krystof is very old,” he said, as if that explained everything.

He turned into an industrial area not far from the airport, taking several turns until they were driving along a dark side road, fronted by what looked like a bunch of abandoned warehouses. He pulled into the parking lot of one of those warehouses and stopped right by the door. Sarah looked around, leaning forward to see through the windshield. There were no other cars anywhere and no lights coming from inside. “You're living up to your stereotype, you know,” she said.


"Big, bad vampire, innocent, helpless female, abandoned warehouse, middle of the night. You know. Stereotype."

"I've done nothing lately that was bad, and you are hardly helpless and probably not that innocent either,” he added with a sidelong smirk. “Also, this warehouse is not abandoned. I will give you middle of the night, however. Think of it as vampire noon."

"A sense of humor? Be careful, Raj, your stereotype is slipping."

When he didn't so much as crack a smile, Sarah thought maybe he didn't have a sense of humor after all. Leaving the keys in the ignition and the car running, he turned and met her eyes directly.

"Wait in the car. I'll only be a few minutes."

"Yes, Master,” she intoned.

He shook his head and climbed out. Before he'd taken two steps, the warehouse door opened and a woman emerged—a tall, beautiful woman who Raj looked awfully happy to see. Curious, Sarah opened her car door, intending to join the party.

The woman looked over at the sound and grinned. “Who's for dinner?” she asked, jerking her chin in Sarah's direction.

Raj glanced quickly over his shoulder and turned to face Sarah, blocking her view of the other woman. “Get back in the car,” he ordered grimly.

"Don't be a party pooper, boss,” the woman said clearly. “Let your little friend join us."

Raj spun back around, and Sarah saw his fangs flash for the first time. “Shut the f**k up, Em!"

The woman's playful expression froze at his words, but what replaced it was not outrage, which Sarah would have expected from a girlfriend. Instead the woman dropped to her knees, head bowed. “My lord,” she murmured. “Forgive me."

Sarah stared from the kneeling woman to Raj and wondered if she should be afraid too.

"Get back in the car, Sarah,” he repeated, walking toward her, his fangs once more out of sight.

Wait. My lord? This woman was a vampire?

Sarah heard Raj swear softly as she stepped around him, walked over to the woman and stuck out her hand. “Sarah Stratton,” she said.

The woman gave Raj a startled look, her eyes questioning. He made a disgusted noise and gestured his okay. The female vampire stood and took Sarah's hand, shaking it firmly. Not one of those fingers-only girly shakes, but a real handshake. “Emelie,” she said. “No last name, like Prince,” she added with a quirked smile.

Raj snorted and Emelie scowled at him over Sarah's shoulder. “Everyone's waiting for you, my lord,” she said pointedly.

"Give us a minute,” Raj said.

"As you wish,” Emelie replied. “Nice meeting you, Sarah. Maybe next time we can actually have a conversation."

"Over my dead body,” Raj muttered.

"Too late,” Emelie said sweetly, and strolled back into the warehouse, closing the door behind her.

Sarah spun around as soon as she was gone. “My lord?” she repeated.