
She jumped at the sound of Raj's voice, turning to find him leaning casually against her car, looking like a cross between the bad boy every mother warned her daughter about and a model in a Calvin Klein aftershave ad. His broad shoulders were encased in leather, his narrow h*ps and long legs covered in snug fitting denims that made her stomach—and lower parts of her anatomy, too—ache. He gave her a wicked smile, as if he knew exactly what she was feeling.

"Raj,” she all but squeaked.

"Raj?” Linda stopped dead in her tracks, suddenly completely sober as she took in this new development. “And who might this be, Sarah, my darling?” she asked silkily, scanning the vampire head to toe with unabashed curiosity. “That research you had to get back to, perhaps?"

"Um.” Sarah felt herself blushing and hurried to say, “Linda, this is Raymond Gregor. Raj, my friend Linda Hoffman."

Raj gave Linda a cool glance and held out his hand to Sarah. She took it without thinking and found herself pulled away from Linda's embrace and into the curve of his arm. He secured her there before saying, “A pleasure, Linda. I'll see to it that Sarah gets home safely."

"Will you?” Linda said archly, with a speculative glance at Sarah. “Well, well."

"Linda, Raj and I—"

"Are old friends,” Raj interrupted. “I was in town and looked Sarah up. It's been a while, hasn't it, sweetheart?” He kissed her temple, his breath warm on her skin, and she shivered with something other than the cold.

"Hmmm.” Linda clearly wasn't buying it, but she was just as clearly willing to wait for the entire story. “I'll just leave you two to catch up, then.” She laughed a little and said, “We'll talk, Sarah darling,” before strolling back across the parking lot with a little wave over her shoulder.

Sarah turned to demand an explanation from Raj but found herself swept literally off her feet as he lifted her directly into a searing kiss that made her anger disappear, along with about half of her brain cells. He crushed her against him, kissing her as hungrily as if they truly had been separated for too long, even though it had been only hours. She felt her own response rising to meet his with an intensity she couldn't recall ever experiencing before. She didn't want to think about anything except the taste of his mouth, the sweep of his tongue against hers, the feel of his big body enclosing her, sheltering her from the unfriendly night. She moaned softly and wrapped her arms around his neck, whispering his name against his lips.

"I think—” Raj began, but whatever he thought was delayed by her renewed demand for his mouth. “Sarah,” he tried again, succeeding in getting his lips close enough to her ear for her to hear what he was saying. “Your friend is still watching."

She stiffened at the reminder they were right outside Buffalo's most popular restaurant. She buried her face against his shoulder and he chuckled softly. “I'll drive you home."

"No,” she protested. “I can—"

He tightened his hold. “Well, I can't,” he growled. “I don't want you out of my sight."

Fresh desire rolled through her body on a wave of warmth. “Okay,” she whispered.

Raj's car was parked right next to hers. He beeped the locks open and all but lifted her into the passenger seat, closing the door with a solid thunk. Sarah jumped a little at the sound, a jolt of adrenaline clearing her head long enough to wonder what she was doing in Raj's car, getting ready to drive back to her house and—

Raj leaned over from the driver's seat to give her a quick, hard kiss. “Don't think so hard, sweetheart. I'm not dangerous.” He spun the wheel in a tight circle, taking them past the startled valets and out of the parking lot. “Not to you anyway,” he muttered.

Sarah gave him a worried glance, but quickly realized she liked the idea that he might be dangerous. She liked this big, lethal vampire lusting after her, wanting her so badly that he'd been ready to take her right there in the parking lot. And he had been ready. She might not be experienced, but she knew when a man wanted her. Of course, she hadn't exactly been fighting him off either. She smiled, feeling just a little satisfied with herself.

Raj reached out at that moment to take her hand, raising it to his mouth for a soft kiss before settling it on his hard-muscled thigh. “Your place or mine, sweetheart?"

Sarah gave him a surprised look. “You have a place?"

He laughed. “Of course, I have a place. Where do you think I sleep, the local graveyard?"

Sarah blushed. “No,” she protested. “Of course not. I just thought . . . I don't know. Maybe a hotel?"

He snorted in dismissal. “Have you seen the local hotels? I'm from Manhattan, darling. I'm accustomed to a higher standard. So, what's it to be? I've got a turn coming up."

"My place, I guess,” Sarah said, beginning to worry again about what she'd gotten herself into. “I live—"

"I know where you live. I was supposed to meet you there."

"Then why—” She frowned at a sudden thought. “How'd you know which restaurant?"

He shrugged easily. “You said it was a celebration. There aren't that many places worth celebrating in around here. I got lucky and saw your car."

Sarah wasn't sure she believed him, but couldn't figure out any other way he'd have known where to find her. “Look, Raj—” He kissed her hand again, one finger at a time, with a lingering caress of his lips and just a touch of tongue.

"You're thinking again,” he said. “And besides . . .” He pulled to a stop in front of her house. “We're here, and I've earned at least a good-night kiss for seeing you home safely."

Sarah opened her mouth to reply, but he was already out of the car and at her open door, holding out his hand to help her. She knew better, but she took his hand anyway, letting him pull her into his embrace, knowing she'd feel that same tug of desire the minute . . . Oh, God, yes.