
“Oh. No, I’m sorry,” she said quickly. “I should have introduced myself. Emma Duquet.” She stepped forward and held out her hand.

The blond carefully took her hand into his, as if afraid he’d crush it. And maybe he could have, because his hands were just like the rest of him—beautiful and big, with broad palms and square fingers. Hard, too, not soft and pillowy like so many of the men here in Washington. Those strong fingers curled around hers and he squeezed gently, his grip lingering a touch longer than would have been perfectly polite. But who cared about polite? Emma was in love, or at least lust. Maybe he wasn’t g*y after all.

“I’m Duncan,” he said. “And this is Miguel.”

No last names for either of them. Huh. Weird. Maybe it was a vampire thing, although she was pretty sure neither one of these guys was a vampire. Not that she knew what a vampire looked like—that was more Lacey’s thing. But these two looked more like frat boys getting ready for a party than all-powerful masters of the universe.

She offered her hand to Miguel in turn, but he only stared at it suspiciously and stepped between her and Duncan as if she had a disease or something.

“She can wait in the library, Miguel.”

The dark-haired man gave Duncan a surprised look.

“The ambassador will definitely want to see her,” Duncan added, glancing her way with a quick there-and-gone smile.

Miguel’s eyebrows shot up, taking his whole hairline along for the ride.

“If you’ll make Ms. Duquet comfortable,” Duncan was saying, “I’ll see to the ambassador.”

Emma watched as Duncan disappeared back the way Miguel had come. He moved like a big, graceful cat, the way professional athletes moved, as if every muscle was in tune with all the others. And such a pleasure to watch, too.

“This way,” Miguel said, interrupting her admiration of Duncan’s departing studliness. He was frowning when she looked back at him. Miguel didn’t seem to like her for some reason. No, it was more like he didn’t approve of her. Well, tough. Emma didn’t look for anyone’s approval but her own. And she sure as hell hadn’t clawed her way through college and law school in order to worry about what some diplomatic flunky thought about her. Besides, she wasn’t here to make friends.

“Thanks,” she said, and strolled confidently into the library as if she owned the place.

“Have a seat,” Miguel said, making it sound more like an order than an invitation.

“I’ll stand,” Emma said. She actually would rather have sat, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. “Okay if I look around?”

Miguel’s frown deepened. He scanned the room carefully, as if looking for things she might sneak into her pockets on the way out. Emma just gave him a droll look. For God’s sake, this was obviously intended to be a waiting room for visitors. Look how close it was to the front door! If they were going to hide the embassy treasures, it wasn’t going to be in this room, was it? Get a clue!

“Sure,” he said finally. “I’ll be nearby.”

Emma smiled. “Fine.”

* * *

Duncan stripped off the comfortable denims and t-shirt he’d been wearing, albeit not without a regretful sigh. The confrontation with Victor had been less than twenty-four hours ago, and he’d hoped for at least a few days of privacy before the outside world intruded. They were still working on security, still searching every inch of this huge house for eavesdropping devices, hidden cameras, concealed doors and escape routes. It would be easier once the rest of Duncan’s team arrived from California later tonight. If nothing else, it would be more eyes searching and ears listening. Several of Raphael’s vampires had volunteered to accompany Duncan to this new posting, but he’d taken only a few and only the ones with a deep security background. Everything else could be taken care of later, but the first order of business had to be making this place secure.

Which brought up the fact of the lovely Ms. Duquet’s unexpected appearance in his front parlor and how she’d managed to get there. As if summoned by the thought, Louis knocked lightly on the door of the bedroom suite that Duncan had taken for himself.

“Come in, Louis.”

The stocky vampire cracked the door open just enough to slip through and assumed a parade rest position. Louis now belonged to Duncan body and soul, but before he’d become Vampire, he’d been a soldier, forged in the heat of battle, and he still had fond memories of his days as a military man.

Duncan buckled the belt on his suit trousers and sat down to put on a pair of black dress socks. “How’d she get in?”

“The dump truck, Sire. They blocked the gate open with their vehicle while they loaded the trash, and she slipped past. I take responsibility for—”

Duncan sighed. “It’s not your fault. The three of us simply aren’t enough to secure an estate of this size. It will be easier after the others get here—and after Miguel brings in the daylight team. In the meantime, I suggest we close the gate and ignore any callers.”

“Yes, my lord.”

Duncan pulled on his boots, stomped his feet as he stood, and slipped his suit jacket off the hanger. “Have you checked out the basement yet?”

“I was on my way when Miguel called me, my lord.”

“Good. Thank you, Louis. I’m sorry to burden you with this. I expect it’s pretty grim down there.”