
She loved him with a furious passion and hated it when he descended into the cold place in his soul that was necessary to carry out the kind of interrogations he did. And the vengeance he’d sought against Damien had driven him even deeper into the darkness than usual. It was that vengeance which had seized him at the end, a primal wrath that had demanded its due for Alexandra’s death. It hadn’t mattered that Alexandra had betrayed him, that in her jealousy she’d nearly gotten Cyn killed, or even that he’d never forgiven her treachery. In that final moment with Damien, Alexandra had still been his Sasha, the baby sister he’d protected from the moment of her birth, the beautiful teenager who’d begged him to save her from a loveless marriage on the very day that a vicious attack had left them both vampires. But perhaps more than anything—and he knew it didn’t speak well of him that this was true—his rage was rooted in the fact that Alexandra was his. And no one could ever be permitted to touch what was his.

“Come on, fang boy, let’s hit the shower.”

Cyn’s voice jolted him out of his thoughts. “You’re showering with me?” he half-teased. She had no reason to shower. She just didn’t want to leave him alone with his thoughts.

“Of course,” she said casually, pulling her stretchy top over her head and drawing his gaze to the swell of her lovely breasts above the champagne silk and lace of her bra.

He slipped his finger under one narrow strap, sliding it down her shoulder, letting the cup fall to bare a rosy nipple.

“What are you doing?” she asked breathlessly.

“I’m helping you undress,” he murmured, rubbing his thumb back and forth over the sensitive nub, watching it stand up and beg for more.

“You should—” She gasped softly, her head rolling back, eyes closed, as he pinched the swollen peak in the way she liked, just hard enough to cause an erotic pain, enough to make it flush with sweet blood. Her fingers clenched in his T-shirt, digging into his skin.

Raphael wanted her. But then, he always wanted her. What he didn’t want was her getting anywhere near the filth of that asshole Damien.

He kissed her softly, then whispered against her lips, “Strip, or I’ll do it for you.”

Cyn pulled back with a surprised laugh, but immediately began taking off her clothes, stopping only long enough to order him, “You, too.”

Raphael grinned; his first real smile since he’d walked into that interrogation room, then tore off his clothes with the speed of his vampire nature.

He beat Cyn to the shower, stepping inside and turning on the hot water, letting it pour out of the multiple jets until the oversize enclosure was filled with steam. Cyn joined him a moment later, slipping directly into his embrace, skin against skin, until nothing separated them.

She then proceeded to wash every inch of him, as if understanding his need to erase the smallest lingering trace of Damien Casimir. She started with his hair, her strong fingers digging in and massaging his scalp, wrapping her arms around his neck and nibbling on his lips as the hot water sluiced the shampoo over their joined bodies. She moved on to the rest of him, squeezing shower gel all over his skin, then rubbing him down like a horse, using a purple net poufy thing that he’d never in a million years have used himself. But in Cyn’s hands, it felt good. Better than good. It was the sweetest torment as she skimmed the scrub over his ass, her arm brushing his stiffening cock, her mouth tantalizing close as she knelt to do his legs and feet.

“Cyn,” he hissed a warning, fisting his hand in her dark hair, forcing her to look up as she knelt before him.

She met his hot gaze, feigning innocence, but the wicked gleam in her eyes gave it away. She knew what she was doing to him.

“What is it, baby?” she crooned. “Does it hurt?” Without breaking eye contact, she folded gentle fingers around his cock and kissed the tip, letting him feel the barest touch of her tongue, before she began stroking him. Lightly at first, faster as her grip tightened and shifted to the base, and she took more of him into her mouth, sucking harder, her tongue swirling up one side and down the other, and all as she gazed up the length of his body, her green eyes filled with hunger.

Raphael growled wordlessly as he reached down and grabbed her by the arms, dragging her to her feet, pulling her close. Her eyes widened in surprise. He loved having her mouth on him, and she knew it. But tonight he needed more. He needed to be buried in the heat of her body, needed her legs around his hips and her breasts against his chest. And so he spun them both around until her back was against the wall, holding her there with the mass of his upper body, gripping her ass with both hands as he lifted her, spreading her legs around his waist. Cyn reacted instinctively, sliding her arms around his neck for balance, closing her eyes and moaning with pleasure when he dipped his cock into the slick heat between her thighs. He dug his fingers into her hips, forcing her to be still when she would have thrust forward to draw more of him inside her. Her eyes flashed open, and he gave her a lazy grin.

“Say, please.” He heard the rough need in his own voice, and didn’t know why he was playing with her. His body was screaming at him to take what she offered, what was his already, but some small part of him desperately needed to assert control, to prove that he was more than the monster in the dungeon.

“Please, Raphael,” Cyn whispered, her fingers stroking the back of his neck, her eyes shining with naked desire, and something else. Understanding. Of all the beings Raphael had known in his long life, she alone understood all that he was, both good and bad, and accepted him, loved him, without reservation.

Crushing his lips against hers, he plunged his entire length deep into her body with a single, powerful thrust. Cyn gasped, then groaned as he pulled out and did it again, her lips soft against his neck, making hungry little noises that shivered over his skin as he moved faster and faster, slamming into her, going deep enough and hard enough that he was bloodying his own hands as he protected her from the hard tile.

Cyn cried out as her body squeezed down on his cock, her hips flexing against his almost frantically as she chased the pleasure of her orgasm. Raphael growled and fucked her harder, his fingers sinking into her ass to open her even wider, driving deep into her body, grinding against her with every thrust. Cyn kissed his neck, his shoulder, and then, without warning, sank her teeth into his flesh, hard enough to draw blood, deep enough that the pain made him howl.

His fangs split his gums. Holding her slender weight in one hand, his chest crushed against her breasts, he lifted his other hand and twisted his fingers in her hair, yanking her head to the side and baring the elegant length of her neck. Without any of his usual finesse, he sank his fangs into her swollen vein and drew deeply. Cyn screamed, bucking against him as the euphoric in his bite threw her over the edge, right into a powerful orgasm. Her hot pussy clenched around his cock as her fiery blood poured down his throat. He sucked harder, drawing more of her living warmth inside of him, feeling her arms surrounding him, her fingers caressing the back of his head, holding him close as her ardent cries filled the steamy enclosure.

Raphael blinked back to awareness, feeling almost as if he’d blacked out for a second or two. Except that vampires didn’t black out, and he sure as hell never did. Abruptly aware of Cyn lying limp in his arms, her head on his shoulder, he retracted his fangs and licked the two small wounds he’d made. There was bruising on her neck. He’d been rougher than usual in his hunger for her blood, but then he had no doubt his shoulder bore the violence of her bite as well. He smiled at the thought, then kissed a line from her neck to her jaw and over to her mouth.

“Lubimaya,” he murmured.

“Give me a minute,” she breathed. “I don’t think I have any feeling below the waist.”

Raphael grinned and thrust his hips lazily, sliding his cock slowly in and out of her still-trembling sex.

Cyn gave a soft moan. “Let me revise that,” she said, the smile obvious in her voice. “It’s only my legs which have no feeling.”

Raphael’s hand rested on the perfect curve of her ass as he withdrew his cock from the snug glove of her body. Reaching back, he unwound her legs from his hips, easing her down his body and holding her until he was certain she could stand on her own. She raised her face to his and they kissed, long and wet and slow, with lots of tongue.

Cyn sighed against his mouth. “Can we stay in tonight? Or like, forever?”