A Cut so Deep - Dani Rene Page 0,54

these women are the same; they see a Thorne, and they drop their fucking panties, lightning-fast. “I didn’t think you’d be here,” she tells me.

“Why not?”

She steps up to me, her body flush with mine, when she leans up to my ear and whispers, “Because you’re a lone wolf.” Her words bring back a memory of the night I fucked her in the woods. It was so dark. It was also dangerous, which is why she’s back for more.

She was one of my first burnt roses. One of the first girls I took into the woods as part of my initiation. And even though it was just high school games, at the time, she thought it was love.

I didn’t think Brittany saw it the way I did. She was too young for me to toy with her, and I made that mistake far too many times to count. Girls became a distraction from the bullshit I had to deal with at home.

Being the eldest, I needed to prove something to my father, even though I know he’d never let me rule over the corporation; I still wanted him to see me for who I was. A man. But Bradford didn’t like that.

“Being alone is part of my charm,” I inform her. “But tonight, perhaps company would be nice.” I finish my drink and head to a table to fill up my empty cup. Brittany follows me like a lost puppy, just like I knew she would.

I perch myself on one of the tables, my feet on the bench seat, as I take in the party. I find Nesrin talking to Creed, and it looks friendly enough, but when he leans in to whisper something in her ear, every muscle in my body tenses. She laughs when he finally steps back, and he does as well.

His gaze locks on mine, for a moment, before he releases his hold on her arm and hands her a Solo cup, with what I can only assume is filled with his cocktail. She takes a sip, tentative in her movements, then smiles up at him.

“Damien,” Brittany calls to me, dragging my attention away from my nemesis and the girl who is surely going to bring me to my knees. I glance at Brittany, taking her in for a moment, and I wonder what the fuck I’m doing. “Are you listening to me?”

“Want to do something for me?” I ask her. I know she’ll obey me. She’s a groupie, she wants a dick—Thorne or Haven—and she’ll do anything to get it. Granted, she has had mine, but that was years ago. When I fucked her, I had no clue what the hell I was doing.

“Yeah.” She bops her head happily, and I bite my lip to keep from smiling.

“Go to Creed, tell him you’re ready for him to finally take you into the forest,” I tell her in a whisper, not allowing my gaze to leave Nesrin and Creed. “And if he refuses, tell him you’ll do anything he’d like.”

I smile at her quickly, offering a nod, before she notices my attention is nowhere near her. She drops her hand to my thigh, slowly moving it up toward my crotch, but my dick has no intention of fucking her tonight.

I wanted to release tension using a body, but, right now, all I can think of is taking Nesrin deep into the woods and showing her just how violent I can be. I want to hear her scream. At that thought, my dick decides it’s time to wake up, and Brittany smiles, thinking she’s the one doing that to me.

“Did you not fucking hear me?” I ask, arching a brow when I look at the blonde. She gasps at my rudeness, but when I tip my head to the side and offer her my smirk, she blushes and nods.

I watch her ass bounce all the way to Creed, who seems taken with her the moment she sidles up to him. He wraps an arm around her waist after she whispers in his ear, and I can’t help but laugh.

Nesrin’s gaze locks on mine, and I gesture with my head for her to follow me, as I get up and move toward the forest. I don’t turn to see if she’s following me, because I know she is.

Call it overconfidence, but girls do as I say, when I say. When I hear the grass under her steps, I turn to find those golden eyes on me.

“What are you

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