Cut & Run (A Rachel Scott Adventure) - By Traci Hohenstein Page 0,45

Red and Rachel. Stacy had made herself scarce, roaming around the gallery, looking at the artwork adorning the walls.

“Oh, no, ma’am. Sorry to worry you. I’d just like to speak with him about a personal matter,” Red said in a soothing tone.

“Okay.” Courtney didn’t look convinced. She set the card on the counter and then opened the front door, her gracious manner turning icy. “I expect him to call me tonight. I’ll pass along your number.”

Red waited until they were a few feet away from the gallery before speaking. “Surely Gavin wouldn’t be so bold as to carry on an affair right under his wife’s nose? The café is just a few blocks away from here.”

Rachel shrugged. “You never know what someone is willing to risk.”

Stacy plucked a colorful brochure from her back pocket. “At least we now have a picture to show Matt.”

The brochure had Gavin’s picture and bio printed on the back.

“He’s a nice-looking guy,” Rachel said, looking at the picture. “Dark hair, brooding mysterious eyes, dimples in the right place. I can see certain ladies falling for a guy like this.”

Stacy took the brochure back. “Not me. He has the look of someone that would smile to your face but stab you right in the back. I know that type very well.”

Rachel laughed, thinking that Stacy was referring to one of her former coworkers at the Miami Sun who had tried to steal her thunder on many occasions. “And you haven’t even met the guy.”

“All that is important is what Matt thinks of the photo. Was Melinda right about the affair? Is this our guy or not?” Red asked.


While waiting for Matt to return her call, Rachel sat out on the pool deck with Stacy.

“It feels good to take a few minutes and relax,” said Rachel. “I feel like all I’ve been doing is running around with my head cut off. We’ve been to Baton Rouge, Metairie, Houma, and all around New Orleans this past week. The only good thing to come out of this so far is the fabulous food we’ve been eating. I think I’ve gained back all the weight I lost in Mexico and then some.”

Stacy pulled her short honey-blond hair up and secured it with a clip. Her tan skin complemented the two-piece white bikini she was wearing. Stacy stretched out lazily on the chaise lounge, picking up her sunscreen stick. Rachel watched as Stacy swiped it across her freckled cheeks.

“That’s a good thing,” said Stacy. “I was getting worried about you.”

“I’m doing okay. If we don’t get anywhere with this case in the next couple of weeks, I’m going to leave it to Red and fly back to Miami. There’s something I want to check out.” Rachel told Stacy about her latest visit to Madame Verdene and her suggestions about Mallory’s disappearance.

“I’ve done stories before on psychic mediums. They are a dime a dozen in south Florida,” Stacy said.

“I know. I’ve seen the advertisements all along the Miami downtown area. But I’ve never been tempted to call or visit one. This just kind of happened.”

“How did you feel about it? Think Verdene is the real deal?” Stacy asked.

“Well, I don’t know how she could’ve known about my grandmother. Even you don’t know that we called my grandmother Queenie.”


“She seemed to know plenty about Mallory. Although nothing that provided any concrete details.”

“If psychics could solve crimes, we’d all be out of business.”

“She did say something unusual that she said related to Mallory. Peaches. What the hell does that mean?”

Stacy shrugged. “Maybe her adopted family grows peaches or something? What else have you found out about Scotty? He could be connected somehow?”

“Before I left Miami, I met with a former drinking buddy of Scotty’s. He mentioned some places that Scotty used to hang out at. I’m going to check those out and see if I can find more of his old acquaintances to talk to.”

Rachel then told Stacy about the disturbing phone call from Scotty.

“You haven’t heard from him since then?” Stacy looked worried.

“No, but Agent Lewis had a tap put on my cell. I don’t think he’s dumb enough to call that number again.”

“I’m going back with you to Miami. We’re going to find this bastard and put him away,” Stacy said.

Rachel felt her cell phone buzzing next to her. “Local number. Probably Matt.”

She answered the phone only to find out that it wasn’t Matt, but a person she never expected to call.


“Hey, Rachel, this is Alanna Brennan. We met earlier Copyright 2016 - 2024