Cut & Run (A Rachel Scott Adventure) - By Traci Hohenstein Page 0,41

with Krapek, is trying to track down DeShaun McAllister for questioning. They are withholding that information from the media until he is found.” Matt ate his own crab-topped oyster before chasing it down with his beer. “There’s one last thing I wanted to ask you.”

Rachel waited for him to continue.

“Do you still think I’m innocent?”


Rachel walked down Market Street on her way to Madame Verdene’s Voodoo Shop. The streets were alive with people: some locals, some tourists who were either on their way back to their hotel after a night of cruising the bars or just beginning their day with coffee and beignets. She loved walking the city streets of New Orleans. She saw a mother pushing her child in a stroller, a couple holding hands, a group of young women who’d obviously been out partying all night, a homeless man asking for a handout, a business executive talking on his cell phone while juggling a cup of coffee and his briefcase—all coexisting together. There was something oddly comforting about it all. If she wasn’t working this case, Rachel thought, she could be one of those people having a leisurely breakfast and then maybe going to one of the many art galleries or museums that New Orleans had to offer. If she was a tourist, she seriously doubted she would be going where she was headed now.

After her meeting with Matt the night before, she’d relayed to Red what Matt had requested. With nothing much to go on, Red said he would see what he could do to find out the identity of Erin’s mystery man. While Rachel went to visit Madame Verdene—Red had made it clear he couldn’t stomach another visit to the voodoo queen—Red had decided to take a trip to the Flora Gallery and Coffee Shop instead.

Rachel and Red both agreed with Matt that finding out the man’s identity could provide insight into Erin’s frame of mind before she was kidnapped. Although Rachel thought that Matt should share his information with Agent Krapek or the police, she didn’t push it. She’d try to stay good on her word to keep Matt’s revelation under wraps.

Rachel hesitated at the front door of the voodoo shop. She took a deep breath before opening the glass door. Red would probably flip if he knew why she was really here. Hell, she was even second-guessing herself. This went against everything she believed in. But, as her father would have said, “Desperate times call for desperate measures.”

“Hello, Ms. Scott,” Debbie said from where she stood behind the counter. “Madame Verdene is waiting for you. Go on back.”

Rachel thanked Debbie and walked down the narrow aisle to the back of the store. She pushed through the curtain and saw Verdene dressed in her usual long flowing skirt and peasant blouse, her long hair hanging down her back in multiple colorful braids.

“Are you ready to get started?” Verdene asked, getting up from behind her desk.

Rachel nodded.

“Let’s sit down at the table.” Verdene turned down the lights while Rachel sat at the small table.

Verdene sat across from Rachel. She grabbed Rachel’s hand and covered it with her own. “Just relax.”

Rachel took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

After what seemed like an eternity, Verdene finally spoke. “As Queenie told us already, your child is alive. I can feel her spirit. The connection between you and your daughter is very strong. Still.”

Rachel felt her heart give a lurch. “Thank you,” she whispered, her voice hoarse. Madame Verdene let go of her hands and closed her eyes. “Your grandmother wants to let you know that you mustn’t give up. She’s very insistent about that. Don’t give up, she says. She keeps repeating that over and over.”

“I won’t.” Rachel felt the familiar tugging in her chest. “Can she tell me where Mallory is?”

“She’s telling me that Mallory is happy. Healthy.”

Rachel felt torn by conflicting emotions. Relieved that her daughter was safe and happy. Sad that someone else was filling her shoes of being a mom. Angry that her daughter was ripped from her life. And also skeptical. Maybe none of this was real. Just hocus pocus, as Red would say.

“Queenie is showing me that Mallory is close by.”


Madame Verdene opened her eyes. “Your grandmother is showing me a peach.”

What the hell does that mean? Rachel thought wryly.

Verdene dropped Rachel’s hand. “She’s gone.”

“Why couldn’t she just tell me where Mallory is?” Rachel said, feeling frustrated. She didn’t know whether to feel exasperated at the lack of information or comforted Copyright 2016 - 2024