Cut & Run (A Rachel Scott Adventure) - By Traci Hohenstein Page 0,22

Madame Verdene had told her about Erin being found in a swampy area.

“Are you sure?” Matt asked in a quiet voice.

“We need you to take a look at a photo.” Krapek nodded to Phipps as he pulled out a Polaroid that was taken at the ME’s office. “I have to warn you that what I’m about to show you is a little shocking.”

Matt held out his hand. “I want to see it.”

Melinda got up and walked out of the room. Rachel heard the back door open and then quietly close. She imagined that Melinda didn’t want to hear the bad news that was likely to be revealed. Or, she thought, remembering the comments Melinda had made about Erin’s perfect life, maybe Melinda just wanted to freshen up her lipstick. There was something so superficial about the woman. Rachel wanted to warm to her, but couldn’t.

“I should clarify that the sheriff’s office in Houma found a body part only,” said Krapek. “Not a whole body. This is the left arm. A wedding ring was still attached.”

Matt studied the picture, and tears welled up in his eyes. “This is Erin’s wedding band. I may not remember the last couple of months, but I remember slipping this on her finger.” He made a kind of choking noise, and Rachel could tell he was trying to keep from all-out crying.

Chris glanced at the photo. “Are you sure, buddy?”

Matt nodded. “There’s one way to know for sure. It has our initials engraved on the inside of the band with our wedding date.”

“Right,” said Krapek, with a grave expression. “The initials E and M were found on the inside, along with an April date.” Agent Phipps handed Matt another photo. “Here’s the other picture we took of the ring.”

Rachel watched as Chris put his arm around Matt. The color was draining from Matt’s face.

“Not to sound harsh, but even if it’s Erin’s ring, how do you know that’s actually her?” Chris asked.

“The ME is running DNA and tox reports. We’re not one hundred percent, but with the ring…” Krapek shrugged.

Matt handed the photo back to Phipps with shaky hands. “It’s her. She had a mole on her hand. It always bothered her and she wanted to have it removed.”

“Well, this doesn’t prove Erin is dead,” said Chris. “You just found an arm, right?”

“Right,” Krapek answered. “But you have to admit it doesn’t look good.”

“What about the kids?” Matt asked.

“Nothing yet,” Krapek answered. “With a solid ID on Erin, we can have our crime scene unit assist the sheriff’s office and scour the area. Unfortunately, the weather elements combined with topography will make it difficult to find evidence.” Krapek looked to Detective Jones to see if she wanted to add anything about their investigation.

“We’re still waiting on our crime lab for the results of processing your vehicle and the scene,” said Jones. “So far, we know the only prints we’ve found on the tire iron are yours, Matt.” The woman shifted her heavy frame from one foot to the other.

Rachel watched Matt closely as he acknowledged Jones’s statement with a nod. He seemed genuinely surprised and upset by seeing the grisly photographs that seemed to prove his wife’s death. But Rachel still had her doubts about whether or not he was truly suffering from amnesia or just hiding the truth of what had happened. She just had to trust that the truth would come out in the end. And pray that the kids were still safe.

“Do you mind if we talk alone now?” Krapek asked Matt.

“Sure,” he answered.

“You can use my office,” Chris offered.


Matt could tell from Krapek’s posture that she wasn’t in the mood to waste any time. She gestured for Matt to take a seat, watched as Agent Phipps and Detective Jones did the same, and then started asking questions from behind the room’s wooden desk. “Have you remembered anything?”

Matt glanced around his brother’s office and spotted the mini-fridge that held some of his brother’s favorite local brews. He opened the door, grabbed a NOLA Blonde Ale, and popped the top. He stared into the bottle as if he’d find an answer there—an answer that would convince Krapek that he was innocent in the disappearance of his family.

“Nope. I’ve looked through countless family photo albums and videos. Nothing has worked.”

“Look, Matt. We’re running out of time here, so don’t pull any shit with us. Your kids’ lives could be in jeopardy. We need something to go on.” Krapek gripped the edge of the desk Copyright 2016 - 2024