The Custom House Murders (Captain Lacey Mysteries #15) - Ashley Gardner Page 0,5

rested his elbows on it, hands folded. If not for his watchfulness, he might have had no worries about this unexpected visit from strangers.

I withdrew the parcel from my pocket and leaned forward to set it before him. “I have looked inside. It is perfectly harmless.”

Creasey reached for it without hesitation. “It would be, wouldn’t it?”

If I’d received a mysterious box from Denis, and Denis appeared to be my rival, I’d be exceedingly nervous about its contents. Creasey merely set the package on top of a small stack of ledgers, unfolded the paper, and opened the box.

“Ah.” The sharp word brought the lackey out of the shadows. Brewster moved to intercept him.

I held up my hand to keep Brewster from bodily stopping the man. “Is something amiss?” I asked.

Creasey’s eyes, changed from cold steel to white-hot anger, regarded me over the box’s lid. “Do you mock me, sir?”

“I can hardly mock you. I have no idea what that piece is for or what it means.”

Creasey lifted the queen with a trembling hand. He held it up to the light, as I had, but he obviously read more into it.

“It means, I can kill you where you stand.” Creasey flicked his hard gaze back to me.

“Steady on,” Eden said. “You cannot threaten an officer of the King’s army. We’d be within our rights to kill you, if you try. Do not think we are unarmed.”

My walking stick had within its shaft a stout sword. Eden carried no obvious weapon, but he’d likely have a knife or dagger under his coat. Brewster, I knew from experience, carried several small weapons about his person.

Creasey’s tiny smile returned. “But I would be foolish to do so.” He laid the white queen onto the velvet with care and clicked the box closed. “Please convey to Mr. Denis that I have received and I understand his message.”

I was damned if I knew what message, but I hardly wanted to admit this. “I will.”

“Under the circumstances, gentlemen, I suggest you depart.” Creasey set the box to one side, where it would soon become so much flotsam on the desk’s surface. “You are stout fellows, and as you say, armed, but the men I can summon would not fear you or mind that you are of the King’s army. I bid you good day.”

Brewster, who remained at the shoulder of Creasey’s lackey, stood silently, not offering his opinion. I knew what it would be, however.

I rose. “I believe you are correct. Good day, Mr. Creasey.”

Eden did not bother with a polite farewell. He bowed frostily, strode to the door, and flung it open, as though ready to face any horde Creasey could summon. No one was on the other side.

Brewster pointedly waited for me to precede him. I started after Eden, and Brewster, without a word, fell in behind me, close enough that any weapon fired or thrown would hit him first.

“Captain Lacey.”

Creasey’s smooth tones made me turn back. This annoyed Brewster, who scowled at me as I craned around him. “Sir?”

“Do you play?” Creasey gestured at the chessboard.

I hesitated. “I … have played. In the army. Not much lately.”

Creasey waved a hand. “No matter. If you fancy a game of an evening, I would welcome the diversion. Under a flag of truce, of course.”

An interesting invitation. I nodded at him. “I will consider it.”

“Please do. Good day, Captain.”

I nodded then turned and resumed my departure.

The lackey did not accompany us this time. He gave us a belligerent stare as we passed, then slammed the office door as soon as we were through, leaving us alone. I heard a key turn in the lock.

“Cheek,” Eden declared. “I suppose we know the way out.”

“Sooner the better,” Brewster growled. He herded me on, again placing himself so that he could protect my back.

Once we were in the enclosed stairwell, Brewster asked, “Why did ye tell him ye’d play chess with him? You come here again, I doubt you’ll leave alive.”

“If you recall my words, I said I would consider it.” I grimaced as my hand landed on a slimy substance, completing the ruin of my gloves.

“But you’re a man of your word,” Brewster said. “If you decide to play, you’ll come back. And it’s me what has to follow you and make sure you stay alive, even if I don’t. I have a wife, you know, what depends on me.”

“I’d not put you into danger from this man, Brewster,” I assured him.

“You already have. He’ll not forget me face. Ah Copyright 2016 - 2024