The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,88

raspberry on her belly. “Let’s go, fiancée,” he says, smacking my ass just before he rolls off the bed. I watch as he walks out of the room, his daughter on his hip, and hear her call out, “mama” just as they clear the doorway.

Hearing her call me that takes my breath away again. I grab my cell from the nightstand where I’ve still got it plugged in. I snap a picture of my hand, displaying the massive rock on my finger, and text an image to Jillian and Reese in our group text.

Riley: So… this just happened!!! {Picture of the ring on my finger}

Jillian: OMG, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! (And PS, about damn time he asked. He talked to your dad and Derek over Thanksgiving, and I’ve had the hardest time holding that information in.)

Reese: YES!!!! I’m so happy for you guys! <3

Riley: HE WHAT? And thanks! <3 I’m still in shock.

Riley: Also, I have to tell someone, and I know you will both love this. Evie called me Mama this morning. Not once, twice, but THREE times! <3 That girl has my heart in her little chubby hands.

Jillian: Awww, engagements, Mama. Dang, not much will top today for you.

Reese: Awww, that’s the best!

Reese: This calls for a girls' night soon. When will you be ready to leave that little man with Daddy and go out for some mommy time, Jillian?

Jillian: Maybe soon? Let's get over the holiday hump, and we’ll talk about it.

Reese: As long as it’s before I have to leave for my press tour and then straight into rehearsals for said tour.

Jillian: I promise to make time for you ladies before that.

Riley: We’ve always got Evie’s birthday party in January we can get together at!

Reese: That’s fine and all, but we need some kid-free, mommy time to celebrate you! I’m talking dinner, drinks ~ the whole works.

Riley: If you insist. :winky face: I’ll let you twist my arm and take me out.

Riley: Okay, gotta go. My people are calling for me to make them breakfast.

Jillian: Tell that fiancé of yours to make you some breakfast.

I pop into the bathroom quickly, running a brush through my bed head then pulling it up into a messy bun. I can’t believe that Justin proposed, in bed, while we both were in our PJs, bed head and all. Even with all of that, I still wouldn’t change it for anything. I wouldn’t trade it for the perfectly planned dinner out, public event, or anything else. We’ve done our damnedest to keep our relationship as private as possible, and I wouldn’t want this to be any different.

I join my little family in the kitchen. I find Evie already in her highchair, munching away on some dry cereal and drinking milk from her bottle. “You didn’t want to try the sippy cup?” I ask Justin as I start to pull out the ingredients for pancakes. I make them so often I don’t even need to look at the recipe anymore.

“Not really. She constantly throws it on the floor when I give it to her.”

I laugh at him. “You know she only does that for you. She knows that you’ll pick it up a thousand times.”

“I still don’t know how you’ve taught her that.” He looks at me like I’ve solved the world's greatest mysteries.

“I guess it’s magic,” I tell him, shrugging my shoulders.

“So, when are we going to tell people?” he asks.

“I already texted Jillian and Reese,” I tell him.

“Good, what did they say?” he asks, leaning against the counter with his back against it so that he’s facing me.

“They were both super excited and happy for us. Jillian was happy that you finally asked. Said that she’d had the hardest time keeping it from me. She let me in on the little fact that you talked to Dad and Derek about it over Thanksgiving,” I tell him, looking at him a little accusingly.

“Had to ask for permission,” he says, giving me a pointed look.

“I guess you did well. Was this morning how you planned to ask?” I question him.

“Nope, that was spontaneous. With Evie calling you Mama, I knew it was time, so I just went with it.”

“Where in the heck were you hiding that present, then, and for how long?”

“I just put it under the bed yesterday when it arrived in the mail. I was trying to decide between asking you sometime around Christmas or New Years. I was going to have Evie wear the shirt, but this morning worked out just as Copyright 2016 - 2024