The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,85

Austin said that she didn’t have one planned for this year.”

“She said probably next spring it would start, and go well into the fall.”

We fall into a comfortable conversation, a lot about Evie, but also a lot about the months to come. The food comes quickly, and we stuff our faces with a delicious meal.

“Can I tempt the two of you with dessert this evening?” Jeffery asks as he clears our plates away.

“I don’t think I can take one more bite of anything,” Riley tells him, and I agree.

“No problem, let me get this cleared away and I’ll bring the check,” he politely tells us.

“So, where are we off to after this?” she asks once it is just the two of us again.

“Well, I thought we could drive the few blocks over and walk around the Central Canal. There are usually artists out, and it’s lit up at night, so it’s a beautiful walk along the canal. Then I’m taking you back to the hotel where I have lots of naked plans for you tonight.”

“I’d be okay with skipping the walk and going right to the hotel…” she says, trailing off as Jeffery reappears at the edge of the table. I pull my credit card out faster than it takes for him to place the bill folder on the table. We need out of here and now. He whisks the card and bill away, returning only a moment later with the receipt for me to sign. I scroll my signature, along with a hefty tip for his excellent service on the bottom, before I practically drag Riley out of the restaurant.

“Do you know what you do to me?” I ask once we are back at my car. I pin Riley against the side of the car, dropping my lips to hers before she can answer me. Her hands sink into my shirt. I press against her a little harder, letting her feel just how hard I am. Letting her know just what she’s doing to me tonight.

“Take me to the hotel, Justin,” she whispers in my ear before sucking the lobe between her teeth—I about cum in my pants at that. I rapidly open her door, helping her in before I shut the door and round the front of the car as quickly as I can. Thank fuck the hotel isn’t that far away. Traffic is also on my side, and we swiftly make it.

After a quick stop at the front desk to check-in, we are in the elevator and on our way up to the suite level. With it just being one night, I didn’t think we needed the penthouse, although having that full private top deck would have been something. I could think of a few activities that we could have partaken in out on it, but that will have to wait until another time.

“You’re not tired, are you?” I ask as Riley rests her head against my shoulder on our ride up.

“Nope, I’m ready for whatever you have planned.”

“You sure you want to commit to anything?” I ask, raising my eyebrows in question.

“Bring it,” she fires right back at me as she moves to stand in front of me, so we are now facing each other. Our arms automatically wrap around one another.

“What if I wanted to tie you up and tease you all night?” I ask, just testing the waters, here. I notice her eyes dilate, and I know that she’s thought of a little bondage at some point.

“I’d be open to it,” she whispers, obviously a little nervous about the idea.

“Not happening tonight, but I won’t rule it out in the future.” I’ve never been into that scene, but hell, I’ll give almost anything a try at least once.

We finally make it to our room, and as soon as the door clicks shut, I drop our two overnight bags on the floor and scoop Riley up in my arms, carrying her over to the bed and depositing her in the center.

“Not so fast, mister,” she stops me, pushing against my chest.

I stand up quickly, never wanting her to think I would not stop when she asks. “Everything okay?” I ask.

“Yes, I just have a little surprise of my own for you, and I need to use the bathroom first,” she tells me as she slides off the bed and trails off to the bathroom, grabbing her bag along the way. I blow out a breath then walk over to the large windows overlooking the city Copyright 2016 - 2024