The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,70

notifications from Riley, so I unlock my phone, going directly to her messages.

First, I find a couple of pictures from Riley playing with Evie, Addison, and Penelope. Those are followed by one of my girls curled up together on the couch, bottle in Evie’s hands and mouth as Riley’s lips are pressed against the top of her head. She’s captioned the image with “Go, Daddy! Your girls are cheering you on!” I can’t help but smile at the image and message that came in around when the game would have started. Two more pictures follow that awhile later, one of Evie passed out in Riley's arms, with the caption “Someone couldn’t hack staying awake for the entire game.” The fact that she fell asleep doesn’t surprise me one bit, nor would Riley want her to. She’s worked hard on getting Evie into a good solid routine, and sleep is an essential part of that.

Her final picture causes my eyebrows to pop up. She sent it just a few minutes ago, probably while I was in the shower. It’s a good thing none of the other guys are close enough to see over my shoulder right about now. This picture is meant just for my eyes and has my dick stirring in my boxers. Not something that I really want popping up while in the locker room, but my girl is sexy as fuck. She’s standing in my bedroom in front of the full-length mirror I have on the closet door, my jersey on, only one button holding it together between her breasts, showing me slivers of the bra and panties she’s got on underneath. “I’ll be waiting for you…” she captioned it, capped off with a kissing emoji. My mouth waters at the fact that I know exactly what is waiting for me when we get home late tonight.

“What’s got you so engrossed in your phone?” Derek asks, smacking me on the shoulder. I quickly lock my phone, setting it down on the shelf in my locker.

“Just some pictures from Riley from their day,” I tell him, having to clear my throat thanks to that last one.

“Fuck, my sister better not be sending you nudes,” he grumbles.

“Fuck no. Some not suitable for your or anyone else’s eyes, maybe,” I tease him, and he just groans.

“Why do you have to say that shit to me? It’s bad enough that I know that you’re fucking her.”

“Then, don’t ask,” I reply, shooting him a shit-eating smirk. In all reality, Derek has taken the news of Riley and me pretty well. I was expecting him to kick my ass, but one conversation over beers, and he was willing to accept that we were serious about each other. I know that he wouldn’t hold back kicking my ass if I was to ever hurt her in any way.

“She over the drama from earlier? When I talked to Jillian, she said they’d had a good day together.”

“Yeah, I got her calmed down. I just hope it doesn’t happen again,” I tell him honestly as I pull my shirt on over my head.

“We all know that won’t happen anytime soon,” he tells me, flashing me a sorrowful look. “Hell, as much as I don’t want them posting anything about anyone on our team, I have to say, I’m thankful it isn’t another thing about me, for once. About damn time someone else takes the spotlight from me.”

“I’ll gladly give it back or pass it on to someone else.”

“I don’t see that happening anytime soon,” he quips.

I flip him the bird as I pack my things all away in my bag. I sling it over my shoulder and head out to the waiting bus that will take us to the airport. Once in my seat, I pull my phone back out and shoot off a text to Riley.

JJ: You still awake?

Riley: Yep

JJ: Thank you for all the pictures today… although, your brother almost caught me looking at that last one.

Riley: Oh god… maybe you should delete it.

JJ: Fuck, no. I’m keeping that one. That’s spank bank material.

Riley: :groan:

Riley: Can you put it somewhere safe, at least? Fingerprint protect it? I DO NOT need my brother to find that in your camera roll.

Riley: I’m serious. I should have never sent it. :smacking face:

JJ: Calm down, babe. It isn’t like you’re naked. But if it makes you feel any better, I’ll figure out how to make sure it is locked down. I can research it on the flight home.

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