The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,7

been a fan of that idea, got pissed off at me for it once,” she says as we move from the kitchen to the living room where the girls are playing and watching something on Disney+.

“I don’t think I’m his type,” I tell her honestly.

“I don’t think that boy knows what his type is,” she says, laughing. “But, I also think that when he finds a woman that has potential, he’ll change his ways to be with her.”

“Why’s that?” I ask. I don’t know a ton about JJ, but what I’ve figured out from the amount his name and picture gets posted in the media, and what Derek has mentioned over the years, paints him as the classic sports star playboy. The guy that jumps from model to actress to whatever next beautiful woman is waiting to hang off his arm.

“He’s never been in a relationship since we’ve known him, or at least one that he’s told any of us about. He likes to party and be unattached. So, as I said, I don’t think he even knows what his type is.”

I scrunch my nose up at her confirmation of my suspicion that he’s nothing more than a playboy. “Yeah, no thanks. I have no desire to be the girlfriend at home while he’s out being flashy and cheating on me.”

“Has he said anything about you helping him with Evie until he can get things figured out?”

“We’re supposed to talk about it more today. I told him I hadn’t found a job yet, so if he wanted to hire me as a full-time nanny, I am available.”

“That would be perfect for you!” she tells me, flashing me a huge smile. “Think of all the time we could spend together with the kids. Penn and Addy would love having you and Evie around all the time.”

“That would be fun,” I agree with her just as Evie starts to wake up and squirm in her arms. She lets out the cutest baby cries. I reach for the diaper bag and pull out a diaper and the wipes just as Jillian lays her down on the couch. She snags a receiving blanket from the top of the bag to slide under Evie before she unzips her sleeper and starts changing her diaper. While she does this, I grab the bottle I packed in the bag and add the formula to it, shaking it up so that it is ready for her once she's all put back together. “Want me to take her?” I offer once Jillian zips the sleeper back up and coos at Evie.

“I can.” She picks Evie back up and cradles her against her chest as she reaches out for the bottle. I hand it over and watch as she offers it to Evie, who immediately accepts it and starts sucking it down greedily.

“Mommy, can I hold the baby?” my oldest niece Addison asks as she stands in front of Jillian.

“Maybe in a little bit. Evie’s eating right now.”

“Okay, Mommy,” she says, and then climbs onto the couch between us.

“Come here, munchkin, Auntie needs some snuggles,” I say as I reach for her. She starts to giggle before my fingers even graze her skin as I tickle her side.

“Auntie,” she belly laughs. “Don’t tickle me if you want snuggles.” She finally gets out, and I stop and pull her into my lap.

“How’s my favorite five-year-old?” I ask as I push some of her curls from her face.

“I’m not five yet,” she dramatically tells me.

“You’re not?” I playfully question her.

“Not until next month,” she reminds me as if I didn’t know when her birthday is.

“Ohhh,” I exaggerate. “Are you going to have a party?” I ask, even though I already know all the details.

“Yes!” she practically yells right in my face due to her excitement. “A big party!”

“Awesome, think I can come?” I ask her, squeezing her in a hug as I do.

“Of course, Auntie Ry. You’re my favorite,” she tells me with a smacking kiss to my cheek.

“You’re my favorite,” I tell her, kissing her on the cheek in return. “What do you want for your birthday?” I ask, keeping this conversation going as Jillian stops to burp Evie.

“A pink bike and helmet, a sparkly dress, a new baby doll, and clothes, um…” She stops to think, tapping her cheek with a finger as she does so.

“Wow, those are some pretty cool things,” I tell her.

“Auntie Ry, is that your baby?” she asks out of the blue as we watch Jillian Copyright 2016 - 2024