The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,63

making quick eye contact for just a second before I suck him into the very back of my throat. I gag slightly when his cock hits the back of my throat, but I breathe around it. I swallow around his cock, and at that moment, I feel him harden just as his orgasm hits him. Hot cum coats the back of my throat, and I swallow. “Fuck, baby. That’s it, take my cock, suck it dry.” His dirty talk spurs me on. I love it when he lets go in the moment. I never thought that I’d be a fan of some dirty sex talk, but damn does it make me wet.

I pop off his cock, and he wipes his thumb along my lips, helping to wipe away some of the extra fluids. “Damn,” he says as he drops onto the bed next to me. I rest my head on his chest as we both bask in the aftermath.

Our relaxing only lasts a few minutes before Evie starts squawking over the baby monitor. “I’ll get her,” he says, pushing up from the bed. He quickly tucks his cock back into his boxers and shorts, then flashes me a quick wink before he ducks into the bathroom to wash up quickly. I follow suit, cleaning myself up before I join the two of them in the living room.

“Baseball’s Bad Boy Turned Single Dad Isn’t As Wholesome As He’d Like You To Believe”

I read the headline two more times, looking at the attached pictures. They sure don’t look like the Justin that I’ve gotten to know the past couple of months. I have a hard time believing that he’d do this to me, to Evie. Two chicks are sitting on his lap, in a bar, where drinks litter the table in front of and beside them. One woman has her arm wrapped tightly around his neck, holding his face to her boobs, while the other is kissing his neck. My stomach rolls, and I have to breathe deep to not lose my breakfast.

I close out of the web browser and set my phone down. I don’t need to read any more of that crap article. Not until I can talk to him and find out what the hell is going on while he’s in Cleveland. What would possess him to go out like that? To cheat on me? I talked to him just before I fell asleep last night. He said that he was in his room for the night, planned to go to sleep as soon as we hung up. There has to be a reasonable explanation for this shit show.

“Good morning!” Jillian answers her phone on the first ring.

“Jill.” My shaky voice gets her name out.

“Riley,” she states my name, the tone of her voice changing from cheerful to all business. “What’s wrong? Is everything okay with Evie? Are you okay?” She rapidly fires questions at me.

“There’s an article with pictures,” I say quietly. “From last night.”

“Oh, hell no,” she says. “Motherfluffer!” she whispers under her breath, censoring herself. “I’ll call you back,” she tells me then hangs up.

I don’t really know what to think at this moment. I’m trying to keep myself calm as I pace around the kitchen. Evie is in her highchair, eating some breakfast. I haven’t even touched the cup of coffee I poured just before opening my phone to be assaulted by that article.

“Oh, Evie, girl. What has your daddy done?” I ask her as tears prick my eyes. My mind races as I debate if I should call him. What if the article is right and he’s passed out somewhere with these two women? What am I going to do if he spent the night fucking them? I can’t stop the tears, at this point, and I don’t care to. Big fat tears roll down my cheeks, hitting the countertop as I let all of the emotions out. The one thing that I worried the most about is happening. How am I going to be able to stay here? Continue taking care of Evie, having to live with Justin? I’d fallen in love with him over the last couple of months, put my life in his hands, and now what do I have to show for it? A few thousand dollars in my bank account and a broken heart? It doesn’t appear that I made a sage decision. Once again, I’m going to have to start over.

I wipe the tears from my cheeks, grabbing Copyright 2016 - 2024