The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,59

dig up anything they can on her, and it won’t be long before they figure out that she’s Derek’s sister and Evie’s nanny. “Now, get out there and win us a ball game. Little miss, here, needs to have a win for her first game watching her daddy kick butt.” She takes Evie from my arms and places her in the carrier she’s got strapped around her waist.

I smile once again at my girls before giving them each one last kiss. A quick slap to Riley’s ass, and they’re off to their seats while I go get my head ready for the game.

“The Curve Ball, We Never Saw Coming!”

I reread the headline, rolling my eyes so damn hard that I’m a little surprised they don’t roll right out of my damn head.

Has the most eligible bachelor on the Indianapolis Lightning roster changed his ways and settled down? Who was the mysterious woman at his side at yesterday’s family day? Justin “JJ” Johnson told reporters that the woman joining him for the team’s family day was his girlfriend. Little has been found on the mysterious woman. He only referred to her by her first name, Riley. We’re dedicated to bringing you up to speed on this developing story as more information is confirmed to us by our sources. Johnson also had his infant daughter with him, one of the rare public events he’s allowed her to attend since the news broke that she was born. He was awarded full custody of the child last month after his petition to the courts went unchallenged by the minor’s biological mother, who doesn’t appear to be in the picture. During the game, his daughter was attended to by his girlfriend. She watched the game from the friends and family section, sitting beside starting pitcher Derek Smyth’s wife, Jillian Smyth, and their two daughters.

I close out of the article, not needing to read any more of this “reporter’s” crap article. I knew she was just there to try and drum up non-existent drama or to dig in to my personal life. I get along with most of the press that follows the team around, but the ones like her, that are just there to try and find the dirt on anyone, rub me so wrong. She’s no better than the paparazzi that take pictures when we’re out grocery shopping or trying to have a meal out with friends or family.

“Morning!” Riley says cheerily as she walks into the kitchen. My dick hardens as I take in her sweaty appearance. The way her tank top clings to her skin has me itching to remove it with my teeth; sweat be damned.

“How was your run?” I ask, doing my best to keep my voice level.

“Really good,” she says, taking a large drink of her water bottle. “Kept a nine thirty pace for all five miles.”

“That’s great, babe.”

“I’m going to go take a quick shower,” she says, setting her bottle down on the counter.

“Want some company?” I call after her.

Laughing at me, she calls back, “Someone's got to look after Evie. Maybe next time.”

At the mention of my daughter, I look over and watch as she pulls one of the toys attached to the jumperoo toward her mouth so she can chew on it. Another tooth is trying to pop through, so she’s been chewing on everything she can lately.

“Did you hear that, baby girl? Ry said I’m on baby duty.” My voice grabs her attention, and she screeches at me in excitement. “Who’s ready for a daddy day?” I ask her, walking over to take her out of the contraption. “That’s right, baby girl, you are stuck with me all day.” I nuzzle her neck, sucking in a deep breath of her clean skin. Unfortunately, she must have just filled her diaper because I get a nose full of the nastiest smell. “Good lord, kid, what is Riley feeding you?” I tease her, tickling her belly as I head for the nursery to change her diaper.

All I get is some babbles as I lay her down on the changing table. I get out everything that I’ll need to take care of this biohazard. She’s all smiles as I slip her shorts off and open her diaper up. I’ve become quite the pro at this changing diapers thing, something I never thought that I’d do in my life. “Good God, child. You are worse than some of the guys on the team, and that is saying something,” I Copyright 2016 - 2024