The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,54

Evie’s head before he stops behind me. He slides my hair off my shoulder, exposing the side of my neck. He drops his lips just below my ear, sucking lightly, which drives me fucking insane. His hands rest on my hips as he holds me still against him. I can feel his hard ridges against my back as he presses against me.

“We’re good,” I say a little breathlessly all of a sudden. “Went to the zoo for a little while this afternoon with Jillian and the girls. I got some cute pictures of Evie! I’ll Airdrop them to you in a few minutes,” I tell him as I finish prepping the chicken to go on the grill for dinner.

“Sounds like a good day,” he replies.

“It was. How was your day?”

“Practice like normal. Derek was on my ass about why I’ve been so happy lately. I think he’s getting suspicious.”

That stops me in my tracks. The last thing that I want to happen is for my brother and Justin’s friendship to be affected by our relationship.

“Justin,” I sigh his name. “We’ve got to either stop this or tell him.”

“We’re not fucking stopping this, I’ll tell him. Just give me a little bit. Okay?” he says, grabbing my hands in his after I’ve washed and dried them off.

“Okay, but make it soon. I hate feeling like I’m sneaking around. Plus, Jillian knows now. She promised me she wouldn’t say anything, but she guessed, and then I couldn’t deny it if I tried. And then, on top of all that, she saw that picture you snapped of us this morning,” I tell him.

Justin pulls me until my front is flush with his. He’s leaning against the counter, which helps some with our height difference. “That was a pretty epic picture. I could still taste you on my lips,” he says as he brings his lips to mine in the softest kiss I’ve ever experienced. “You were still blissfully relaxed from the orgasm I’d just given you with my tongue,” he says as he drops kisses along my jawline. “And another one with my cock.” He sucks my earlobe between his teeth, scraping them along the sensitive skin.

I melt into him, loving the way he can wake my body up in a matter of seconds. Between the way he touches me and his dirty words, I’m wet and ready for him to take me to bed.

“Bawww, yaaaa,” Evie babbles, pulling our attention from each other and to her. She’s in her jumperoo that I pulled into the kitchen for her to play in while I prepped dinner.

We both watch as she entertains herself between bouncing and all the connected toys on that thing.

“Think you can go get the grill fired up?” I ask him, stepping out from between his legs.

“Sure can,” he says as he takes his ball cap off his head, flipping it backward. I don’t know what it is about him in that hat that makes my knees go weak, but damn does he look hot in it, especially when he turns it backwards.

“Don’t hurt yourself staring at me like that,” he says, swiping a thumb across my bottom lip. I almost flick my tongue out as the pad of his thumb slides across it, but hold back. We need to get dinner made, and then he needs to spend time with his daughter before it’s time for her to go to bed. Then, and only then, can we do whatever it is that we want to do to one another.

“I wasn’t staring,” I insist.

“Mhmm,” he hums. “And I wasn’t balls deep inside you twice this morning, making you scream my name.”

He gives me a smoldering look as he grabs the platter of chicken and the vegetable basket to place on the grill once it is warmed up and ready. “What, no comeback?” he asks once he’s out of my reach.

I hold up my hand, waving it as if I’m telling him to go away. “No need to get all cocky,” I call out at him once he’s outside.

“Last I checked, you liked my cock.”

“Justin!” I whirl around, facing the door, my eyes bulging out a little bit. “Little ears, remember?” I ask him, looking down at Evie.

“It isn’t like she can repeat me yet,” he says, giving me a slightly sheepish grin. “Can you, baby girl?” he says, his voice morphing into the cutest damn baby-ish voice I’ve ever heard come from a grown-ass man as he talks to his daughter.

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