The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,51

I tell her quietly as I tip her face up so we can look at each other.

“How’d you know?” she asks, then closes her eyes tightly.

“Besides the fact that your pussy was tighter than a vise grip? I might have heard you tell Jillian a few months ago.” Her eyes fly open, and she looks at me with huge eyes. I can’t tell if she’s pissed or embarrassed.

“Yeah, it's not like I was waiting for any specific reason,” she tells me, and I remember her saying the same thing to Jillian.

“So why me? Why tonight?” I ask, curious as to the answer to that.

“Why not you? Why not tonight?” she throws back to me.

“Your first time should be special,” I tell her, bringing my free hand up to skim over the delicate skin of her nose and cheeks. She’s got a few freckles dotting her perfect skin, and I, all of a sudden, want to search her entire body for more and trace them with my tongue. “You’re beautiful, you know that?” I drop my lips to hers, an incredible need to kiss her, in this exact moment, washing over my body. She relaxes into the kiss. One that starts out easy, lazy almost. One that you’d think was between lifelong lovers.

“It was perfect,” she says against my lips when we break the kiss. “I couldn’t have planned a better first time if I tried.” She sucks in a breath. “But please promise me that this won’t make things weird between us. I can’t stop working for you. I love your daughter like she’s my own, and it would kill me to no longer be here with her all the time.”

“Riley,” I say her name, trying to get her to stop rambling. “Riley, you’re not going anywhere,” I tell her, but I don’t think she hears me, so I kiss her again. It’s the only way I can think to get her to stop talking. I roll us so that she’s pinned beneath me, which wasn’t the smartest move on my part, as my cock is now hard again now that it’s nestled between her legs, but it did what I needed it to do, and that got her attention. “Riley, you’re not going anywhere if I have anything to say about it. I need you, Evie needs you. We’d be lost without you. She’s priority number one. We’ll figure out what this is between us. But I can tell you that I don’t want it to be a one-time thing. Now that I’ve had you, I know I’m going to want you again and again.”

“What about Derek?” she asks, her voice hardly above a whisper.

“He’ll deal,” I tell her, not really caring what Derek thinks about us together. Would he kick my ass if he knew I took his sister's virginity tonight? He absolutely would, but what he doesn’t know won’t kill him. I’ll eventually have to have a little chat with him if things move forward, but that can wait until we’re there. “Let me deal with him when the time is right. He doesn’t need to be privy to our personal business,” I assure her.

“Okay,” she agrees, a little easier than I expected.



The past week has been a whirlwind of a week. I thought my first week here with JJ was crazy, but this one might just top that one. It’s been a blur of stolen kisses during the day and delicious nights spent between the sheets as we lose ourselves in each other’s bodies.

I gather Evie’s things, placing her in the stroller so that we can walk over to my brother's house. The guys are gone at practice, and we’ve been cooped up inside the past two days, thanks to the rain, so getting outside is a must today.

I take my time pushing the stroller over to Derek and Jillian’s, taking what I like to think of as the long way around. It gives me a good solid two miles winding through the neighborhood, and I can use every one of those steps today. My body has never felt this deliciously sore before, but I love every moment of it. Justin is an expert when it comes to making my body feel on fire. His touch is like a brand against my skin.

“Hey!” Jillian calls out when I walk through the door. I left the stroller in the garage and have Miss Evie on my hip.

“How’s it going around here?” I ask her as I set Copyright 2016 - 2024