The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,5

out. Give it a try,” she suggests, since she’s now undone the latch.

I grab both straps and fumble with aligning the two parts correctly.

“You’ve got it, just straighten them slightly, and you’ll be okay.” I do as she says, and sure enough, they fit together like they should and easily slide into the latch. “Now that you know how to work the latch, you need to learn about the straps. The chest clip should always line up with her armpits, and you should be able to pinch the straps and not have any slack. It isn’t safe for there to be a lot of room between her and the straps. If you don’t have them tight enough and you were in an accident, she could slide out of the seat. She also has to be facing backward for a while. It’s safest for babies, even toddlers.”

I look at her with a confused look filling my face. “Come again?” I say, dumbfounded.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get you all up to speed.” Riley pulls on a strap hanging from the bottom of the seat. It tightens down the straps holding Evelyn into the seat.

“That isn’t too tight on her?” I ask.

“Nope,” Riley says. “You want it tight enough that she isn’t going to slip out in an accident, but not so tight she can’t breathe. As long as when you attempt to pinch the strap at her shoulder and your fingers slip off and don’t pinch extra strap, you know it’s tight enough.”

“Okay, are you ready?” I ask, not in any position to question what she has to say about anything to do with Evelyn.

“Yep, let's go.” She tosses the strap of the diaper bag over her shoulder. I lift the car seat and follow Riley out to my car.

“So, how does this go in here?” I ask, opening the back door of my car.

“The middle is the safest place, so let’s put it there. I’ll see if I can find you a base for this type of seat. That will make getting it in and out much easier. You won’t have to deal with the seat belt each time.” I watch as she places the seat in and expertly straps it in for now.

“Thanks. I don’t know what I’d be doing if it wasn’t for you helping me out,” I tell her as I back out of the driveway.

“I’m happy to help. I love kids, and Evelyn is such a good baby.”

“I’ll take your word for it,” I tell her as I slip on my sunglasses. I roll down the street, keeping my speed on the lower end since so many people are outside playing in the beautiful weather that we’re having lately. Springtime in Indianapolis can be hit-or-miss, depending on the year, and this one has been no different. Warm one day and freezing-ass cold the next.

We make it the few blocks over to Derek and Jillian’s house. I kill the engine after parking in front of the extra garage bay door.

I step out of the car and watch as Riley gets the car seat out of the back. She flings the diaper bag over her shoulder and the seat in the crook of her arm. It is evident that Riley has done this many times and looks like a pro doing so. “Can I help with anything?” I offer before she gets too far ahead of me.

“I’m good,” she says as she pushes open the door leading us into Derek's garage, and then into their house.

“Hey! How’s it going?” Jillian asks as we enter the kitchen.

“Good. I had JJ bring me by on his way to practice so that I could grab my car,” Riley answers her.

“How’s this sweet little thing doing?” Jillian asks as she takes the car seat from Riley.

“She’s been an angel,” Riley states. I watch as Jillian sets the seat down and unclips the buckle, loosening the straps so that she can easily remove Evelyn from the seat. I know she’s got two kids of her own, but she makes it look so simple.

“I’m going to head out, is Derek still here?” I state.

“You just missed him. He left maybe five minutes ago,” Jillian tells me as she glances at the clock.

“Okay, I’ll see you guys later. Should I come back here to pick her up, or will you go back to my place?” I ask.

“I guess that more depends on how long you’re going to be gone,” Riley states.

“A few hours. I’m not sure,” I Copyright 2016 - 2024