The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,32

the kitchen to the living room. I have a few seconds to take her in, curled up on my couch as she watches TV. Her hair is piled on top of her head in a messy bun; she’s got an oversized hoodie sweatshirt paired with a pair of way to fucking short shorts. They show off her legs and tight ass.

“Whatcha watching?” I ask, taking a seat on the opposite end of the couch.

“Nothing specific, I was just scrolling through the options,” she tells me, tossing the remote to me. “Not much is on tonight.”

“That’s the problem with the spring and summer months. All the regular shows have ended, but none of the summer shows have started yet.”

“Yep,” she agrees with me quickly. I leave the TV on the channel she’d stopped on. I flick my eyes to the screen and watch as some contestants on the cooking show all plate their food for the judges. I only keep them there for a few seconds before my eyes back on Riley, or as much of it as I can without her thinking I’m a creeper or some shit like that. I watch her from my peripheral vision and take notice as she relaxes into the couch just a little bit more.

I shift on the couch so I can take her in easier. Her natural beauty about knocks me on my ass. The gentle curve of her neck, the way she’s got her hair piled up on the top of her head in a messy bun, makes me want to reach out and tug that band out of it, allowing it to cascade down her back. I’d run my fingers through it, wrapping it around my fist as I took a handful, allowing me to guide her right where I want her. I can envision reaching up and grabbing a fistful as I slide into her from behind. That thought has my cock hardening in my sweats, hard enough that I’m going to be tenting them any second now if I’m not careful. I reach over to the chair and snag the throw pillow off of it and place it on my lap, so I don’t scare the poor girl with what she does to me.

“Before time gets away from us, can we go over your schedule?” Riley asks, pulling me out of my daydreaming about fucking her. “I want to make sure I have everything on my calendar.”

I clear my throat, knowing that if I don’t, it will more than likely give away that my mind was not in the present. “Yeah, sure,” I tell her, grabbing my phone. I watch as Riley stands and heads into the kitchen, returning with a calendar, pen, and her phone.

“I picked up a planner, plus will put things into my phone, that way, I can easily see when you’ll be here and gone,” she says, sitting back down on the couch, this time with her legs crossed and facing me. She opens the planner to the current month and pulls out a few colored pens from a package I didn’t notice at first.

“Color coding things?” I ask.

“Yep. I love planners and making them look cute,” she tells me, flashing the sweetest smile that has my heart fluttering a thousand beats a minute.

“All right. Do you want me to go day by day? Start with practices? Home games? Road trips? You tell me how you want to do this.”

“Ummm… hold on, I’ll be right back,” she says, setting everything down as she jumps up and disappears down the hall, returning this time with a notebook of paper. She sits back down, legs once again folded like they were before, and facing me. “Okay, start with tomorrow, and I’ll write everything down, then I can transfer it all to my planner once I figure out my color-coordinating plan.”

I chuckle at her excitement over organizing my schedule. “Okay, crazy girl,” I say, shaking my head as I laugh at her. I open my calendar app and start rattling off my schedule for the next few weeks to her. Since we’re doing this as a trial run for the next few weeks, we only go over that amount of time, for now.

“Okay, I’ll use red for when you’ll be out of town, that way those days stick out to me as being the entire time, home games in blue and home practices in green,” she murmurs as she marks things down in her notebook.

I watch as she Copyright 2016 - 2024