The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,30

Evie in the crook of one arm, we make our way into the kitchen. I place her in the little bouncy seat contraption that sits on the counter. I make sure that she’s buckled in before I step away. I snag one of the bottles and mix it up for her. Another thing I’ve picked up quickly how to do. I’m slaying this dad shit. With a bottle for Evie and a glass of chocolate milk for me, I collect Evie from the seat and take her out to the living room. I get us settled on the couch and flip the TV on, landing on an old James Bond movie. I only have it on for some background noise as my attention turns to my daughter. I observe her, drinking her in as she lies on the couch between my outstretched legs. She’s so content, looking all around. She must see something she likes, as her little legs start kicking in excitement.

“What’s got you all excited?” I ask her, my voice taking on an ever-so-slight baby voice. I roll my damn eyes at myself. I must sound like a fucking idiot talking to her. Evie’s little arms flail as her legs kick around even move as I speak to her. I wipe a small line of drool from her face, and she grips my finger as I start to pull away. I allow her to keep her grip on my fingers, even though I know she’s going to pull them right to her mouth. “You sure create a ton of drool for such a cute baby,” I tell her, bopping her on the tip of the nose. She makes a squealing noise that almost sounds like a laugh, but I don’t think you can describe what I heard as a laugh just yet.

Evie and I sit here, taking each other in as the time passes. She starts to get fussy about twenty or so minutes later, so I settle her in my arms and offer the bottle. She accepts it immediately and starts sucking it down fast. I hold the bottle, Evie’s little hands still gripping my fingers firmly in hers. I watch her as she greedily sucks the formula down. As she nears the end of her bottle, the suckles become almost nonexistent, and her eyes flutter closed. I keep the bottle in place, wanting to make sure that she’s asleep before I pull the bottle from her mouth. With the loss of the bottle nipple, she sucks a few times on her tongue before that stops, and she thankfully stays asleep.

I watch her sleeping peacefully in my arms for a little while longer before eventually taking her into the nursery and laying her down in the new crib. She didn’t even flinch when I transferred her into it. I make sure nothing is in the crib that could hurt her while sleeping. That was something that Riley schooled me on yesterday when I attempted to place a teddy bear in the crib.

I finally pull myself away from the side of the crib. I’m starting to feel like a creeper on my own daughter. I make sure the baby monitor is on for Riley, and I head out of Evie’s room. I shut everything off in the living room, making sure to clean up the few dishes I dirtied, then head for my bedroom. I close the door and immediately pull my T-shirt off over my head. I toss it toward my laundry basket that sits just inside my walk-in closet. My jeans follow the shirt, and I pad into the en-suite bathroom in nothing but my boxer briefs. I take care of business, stopping to wash my hands and brush my teeth before I slide into bed. The coolness of the sheets hitting my skin helps relax me. They don’t stay cold for long as my thoughts drift back to the conversation I overheard that was definitely not meant for me to hear. I feel slightly guilty about listening, but not bad enough to have made my presence known. I think it would have embarrassed Riley had she known I was there, hearing what she was telling her sister-in-law. The knowledge that she’s a fucking virgin has my cock standing at full salute again.

I slip my hand down my abs until I’m pushing my boxers over my cock and down my hips. I wrap my palm around the base of my cock and give it one long Copyright 2016 - 2024