The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,3

massaging my scalp. I slip the elastic band around my wrist as I flip the light off and open the door. Since I was already in yoga pants and a T-shirt when Derek called, I’m perfectly comfortable to slip into bed.

Once out of the bathroom, I take in the scene before me. JJ is watching Evelyn as she peacefully sleeps in the center of the large king-size bed. Her little hums are the only sound filling the room. I forgot how much noise that babies make while they’re fast asleep sometimes. I’ve nannied for a few families over the years, plus helped out my brother and sister-in-law as I could when my nieces were babies. I spent a few weeks with them since I was still in school and could only spend some of my breaks with them over the last couple of years. I know they’ve had a rough year, but I am so glad that they found their way back to each other. My brother has changed so much, and all for the better from what I can tell.

“She’s a good baby so far,” I whisper, not wanting to wake her. I stop next to JJ at the edge of the bed.

“I’ll take your word for it,” he tells me before he turns and leaves the room. I pull the blankets back and place the two pillows on the far side of the bed. Once I’ve situated myself under the covers, I move Evelyn in next to me. Once we’re both settled, sleep finally claims me.



JJ: Dude, your wife and sister are lifesavers. I don’t know how I’m ever going to repay them. Your wife showed up here with an SUV full of so much baby stuff it looks like a fucking Target exploded in my house.

Derek: Like I said last night, we’re here for you, man. Let them help you. They know what they’re doing. Just don’t get any fucking ideas about my sister. I will kill you if you touch her.

JJ: I don’t think I’ll be touching another woman for a long fucking time at this point.

Derek: Don’t say I didn’t warn you. I know how you operate when you let the head below your belt do the thinking.

JJ: Point taken. Now back to WTF am I going to do?! I’m not cut out to be someone’s dad.

Derek: Take a deep breath and deal with it, man. Have you called your lawyer?

JJ: Yes, he’s going to send over a lab company to swab for paternity. Said that the test takes a couple of days to get the results. If it comes back positive, he’ll file the petition with the courts for temporary full custody. I gave him Erica’s information she left with me. Riley also found Evelyn’s birth certificate and some other documents in the diaper bag, so we have that information as well. According to that, she’s three months old like you thought last night.

Derek: Sounds like you’ve got things under control then.

JJ: If you say so.

Derek: Have you held her yet?

JJ: They made me just a little bit ago. After Jillian got here, she changed her into a new outfit and then handed her over to me for a little bit. I felt like I was going to break her. Riley also taught me how to change her diaper this morning. That was an event in and of itself.

Derek: I felt the same way when Addison was born. But you’ll get used to it. Just take one day at a time. And welcome to diaper duty. There will be days you wonder how something so vile can come out of something so cute.

JJ: I called Coach and told him what was going on. I told him I might need a couple of personal days. He told me to keep him informed.

Derek: Are you going to go to practice this afternoon? I’m sure, between Riley and Jillian, they’ll be more than happy to keep Evelyn for you.

JJ: I probably should. It would probably do me good to hit the gym and some balls today.

Derek: I’ll see you there.

I place my phone onto the nightstand and head for the shower. After tossing and turning all night, I was up bright and early this morning to get a call in to my lawyer and another to Coach.

With things in motion on the paternity front, I can’t dwell on the unknown, just move forward and deal with everything as we get more answers.

With my shower done, I pull Copyright 2016 - 2024