The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,21

already cocky enough as it is.”

“I won’t argue with you there,” I say, laughing. “Evie sleeping?” I ask.

“Yep, went down for an afternoon nap about thirty minutes ago. We had a fun day. Had some tummy time, some swing time, went for a walk outside, followed by a short nap in the late morning and now this afternoon one. The crib, changing table and car seat bases were all delivered today as well. The delivery guys got everything set up for us, so she’s napping for the first time in her crib. Exciting times ‘round here,” she says as she pushes the basket of folded clothes away from her as she stands and picks it up, presumably to put it away.

“Sounds like a fun day. Did everything fit in the room okay?”

“It did, you’ll have to go take a look at it once she’s awake.” She says as she walks down the hall, setting the basket down outside of Evie’s room. “As she gets older, she’ll start staying awake for longer periods, as well as getting more and more interested in playing with toys.”

“Anything else I need to buy now for her?” I ask, knowing that Jillian picked up things she said would be essential to get us by for now.

“I actually started a list on Amazon of things that I’ve thought of that would be nice to get. I just add them to the list when I think of them so that I can show you, and we can order them when needed.”

“That works, and I don’t mind you picking up anything that will make our lives easier. The cost isn’t an issue,” I remind her. I make upwards of fifteen million a year, so a handful of baby items will hardly put a dent into my bank account.

“Any news on the test results?” she asks.

“Nothing yet. I was hoping that we’d have something by now.”

“I’m sure it will come through soon,” she assures me.

“I hope so,” I tell her as she walks away down the hall. I head into the kitchen, grab a bottle of water and an apple from the bowl on the counter.

“Did you get groceries?” I ask, not remembering apples being here earlier.

“Just a few things. When Evie and I were out on our walk, we stopped at the little farmers market in the parking lot of the school and picked up a few items.”

“Oh, nice. I didn’t even know they had that.”

“The one vendor said that this was their first week back for the season. She said that as the summer goes on, they’ll get more vendors that come out and lots more things to choose from.”

“Makes sense,” I tell her before biting into the apple. “Pretty good,” I say after swallowing my first bite.

“They are, I can try and get some more next week if they have any left.”

“I’ll try and remember to get to the bank and get some cash out to leave for you to have for things like that.”

“I don’t mind buying a few things. I’d have to spend money on food if I wasn’t living here.”

“I know, but I also don’t expect you to spend your money on food for Evie or me, so if it’s something that either of us would end up having, let me pay for it.”

“Okay,” she concedes easily. “What time did you want to head over to my brother’s?”

“He said to come over between five and five thirty.”

“Sounds good. Evie should be up before then,” she says, making herself busy by starting to unload the dishwasher. I step in and help, not wanting her to feel like she has to do everything around here.

“Thanks,” she says once we’ve got it emptied.

“Anytime,” I tell her. There’s only a foot or so between the two of us, and it’s as if we both notice that fact at the same time. Once we do, it’s almost as if all the air in the room is sucked out. The crackling sexual tension between the two of us could be cut with a knife; it is so thick. I can feel the sparks buzzing and know deep down that it’s only a matter of time before they ignite if I don’t put space between the two of us.

The silence is shattered when my phone starts ringing from my pocket. I pull it out and see my attorney’s name flashing on the screen, so I immediately accept the call and press the phone to my ear.


“Justin, William here. I’ve got Copyright 2016 - 2024