The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,17

of bed and heading for the bathroom. I pull on a clean pair of briefs and then some athletic shorts over them before I quietly head for the kitchen. I need some coffee this morning. As soon as I round the corner, I stop dead in my tracks. Riley is standing at the sink with Evie’s head peeking over her shoulder. She’s got her back to me, and I don’t think she has heard me enter. She is standing there in a tank top and the smallest fucking pair of shorts known to man. They show off her ass in the most perfect way possible, and my fucking hard-on is back. Fuck me.

I shake my head, trying to get the visions of peeling that tank top up and off of Riley, dropping those tiny shorts to the floor and sliding inside her out of my mind. I clear my throat and move forward toward the coffee pot. “Morning,” I quietly say as not to startle either of them.

“Oh, good morning, I didn’t hear you get up,” Riley says as she turns to face me. I do my best to not stare at her tits, but god damn, they’re on full display in that tank top. I can see the slight color change where her nipple is pressing against the fabric. Evie is blocking the other one, so I only get a good look at the one, but damn do I want to see them out of that fabric. I quickly turn, pressing my hips and groin against the countertop to try and will my dick to get with the program that this isn’t the time to be popping out to say hello. I snag a cup and fill it to the top, leaving only a small amount of space for a splash of creamer.

With my coffee ready, I bring it to my lips and take a tentative sip, so I don’t burn the fuck out of my mouth.

“How was Evie last night?” I finally think to ask.

“She did great. Only woke up once to eat around three this morning and went right back to sleep after a diaper change and a bottle. We’ve been up since around seven fifteen so far this morning.”

“That’s good. You sleep, okay?”

“Yep, you?” she asks as she walks over to place Evie in the swing.

“Yeah,” I say, sighing. “I had a little trouble falling asleep, but once I did, I slept fine.”

“I hate it when that happens. I just read until I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore,” she says, taking a seat across from me. “What time do you have to leave this morning?”

“Not until ten,” I tell her, looking over to the clock and seeing that it’s just after eight.

“Perfect. While she’s content, I’m going to take a quick shower, if you don’t mind. I can take her in the bathroom with me if you need me to.”

“I’m good. Go take your time,” I tell her, and watch as she pushes back and bounces off and down the hall. I wish I was a better man and could keep myself from watching her as she goes, but I’m not that strong, so I watch as her ass bounces down the hall and disappears into her room. I am so fucked.

I finish my cup of coffee, then get up to refill it and make myself some breakfast. I pull out everything to whip up a veggie and meat-filled omelet. I look over at Evie, swinging away across from me, and can’t help but smile at her. She’s so content, looking around as the swing moves her back and forth. Once my food is done, I set it on the table and then pull the swing over next to me.

“Who’s a pretty girl?” I ask my daughter as she starts to blow spit bubbles at me. I reach out and run my finger down her face, and she reaches up and grabs hold of it, pulling it into her mouth to suck and chew on. Maybe Riley was right in that she’s already teething. I can remember when Derek’s girls were babies, and they’d always be trying to chew on everything when they were cutting teeth.

I let her chew on my finger for another few minutes while I do my best to eat one-handed. This isn’t as easy as some people make it look, and my respect for all the parents out there just increased tenfold.

I finish up my breakfast, pulling my hand back from Copyright 2016 - 2024