The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,14

be fine with it then,” Mom assures me.

I pull into the parking lot of Starbucks, stopping in the drive-through. “Hold on, Mom, I need to order,” I tell her once it’s my turn. I order quickly and then return to our conversation.

“I can let you go, I just wanted to check-in and see how things were going,” she says while I’m waiting to approach the pick-up window.

“Okay, maybe I can FaceTime with you tomorrow so you can meet Evie. She’s just the cutest!” I gush once again.

“Yes! Please do. I’d love to see her.”

“Okay, talk then,” I tell her before we disconnect our call.

I get my order and head back to JJ’s house. I grab one of my bags and quietly enter the house. I can hear Evelyn crying and JJ’s voice as he attempts to calm her down. I set my things down and go searching for them. I find him in the bathroom and can’t stop from bursting out a laugh.

“What happened?” I ask between fits of laughter.

“She had a poop explosion,” he says, looking more than a little overwhelmed with the situation. He’s leaning over the tub, a screaming Evie in some water. He’s got his shirt stripped off and on the floor next to him. It’s soaking wet, so I can only assume that bathing her isn’t going all that well.

“I think, at this point, the easiest way to get the both of you cleaned off is for you to just shower with her,” I tell him, and if the shocked look on his face is telling me anything, it’s that my suggestion is a crazy idea in his mind.

“I don’t think so,” he states matter-of-factly.

“No, seriously. Babies are easy to shower with. If it makes you feel any better, I can sit right outside the door and come in and rescue you if anything goes wrong. But both of you are covered in baby shit and need showers. The warm water will be calming to her, as well as being close to you. Babies feed off of your stress, so if you calm down, that will help Evie to calm down.”

He gives me another suspicious look before he pulls her from the small amount of bathwater he’d run in the tub. “Can you hold her for a minute?” he asks, holding her up for me to take. I grab one of the towels hanging from the bar and wrap Evie in it once he hands her over. I lightly bounce her in my arms as I calmly talk to her, helping her calm down.

“How do we do this?” he asks, standing there a little dumbfounded.

“Leave your boxers on and get in. I’ll hand her over, and you can wash her up. Once she’s done, then I can grab her from you, and then you can finish your shower,” I suggest.

“Okay,” he says as he reaches in and turns on the shower. He checks the temperature of the water before stripping off his athletic shorts, leaving him in tight black boxer briefs. They don’t leave much to the imagination, and I have to force myself to look away. What I wouldn’t do to see him completely naked. The lines on either side of his waist that point down to his cock have me salivating and wishing he’d just drop the boxers. Once he steps into the shower, I rub my thighs together to try and dispel the ache that I’m feeling there. The one that I wish he could make go away. “I’m ready for her,” he tells me, and I step closer, handing over a now calm Evie. He cradles her to his chest, allowing the warm water to hit her back. She relaxes into him just as I figured she’d do. Between the warmth of the water and the sound of his heart beating, she’s a happy girl right about now.

I step away from the shower, keeping myself busy by pulling out clean towels since the two that were out, now have shit all over them. I hang a clean one for JJ on the towel bar and hold on to the one for Evie. It only takes another couple of minutes and he’s got her all washed off and ready for me. I quickly wrap her up in the fluffy towel and take her into what will become the nursery, once JJ gets some permanent furniture for her in here. I get a fresh diaper on her and then pull out a clean Copyright 2016 - 2024