The Curve Ball - Samantha Lind Page 0,12

Thankfully, she stays asleep once laid down. “Okay,” I tell Riley as I grab the bottle and take it into the kitchen. I rinse it out and place it in the dishwasher. If it weren’t for Jillian this morning showing me how to put one of these together, I’d probably still be standing here looking at it as a foreign object. Who knew a baby bottle could have so many confusing parts?

“Dinner should be ready in about ten minutes,” Riley tells me as she starts to pull out plates and silverware.

“It smells amazing,” I tell her as I suck in a deep breath, the meal filling my house with its pleasant aroma.

“Just wait until you taste it.”

“If it tastes half as good as it smells, then I’m sure it will be incredible.”

“Do you have any allergies I should be aware of?” she asks, setting the table.

“Nope, but I am a tad bit picky. I won’t touch peas, so please don’t try and make me any.”

She breaks out into a giggle, and it makes my dick swell in my boxers. My eyes are drawn to the way her chest bounces up and down with each release of sound. Her tits are the perfect round size. They’d fit into my palms perfectly as my thumbs rub her nipples into tight peaks. Just large enough that I could slide my cock between them, but not too big that I’d get lost. Fuuuuuuk, I can’t be thinking about Riley like this. I shift as discreetly as possible and adjust my cock as it threatens to bust out of my shorts. “I’ll be right back,” I finally grit out as I exit the kitchen as quickly as possible and head for my room. I close the door behind me and lean my back against it. My head falls back and thunks against the closed door. I suck in a deep breath through my nose and will my body to calm the fuck down. I can’t be having these thoughts. Not only is Riley here to help me with my daughter, but Derek would kill me if I ever touched her. He’d probably kill me if he knew the thoughts running through my head.

Once my blood flow has finally returned to all appropriate appendages, I head back to the kitchen, where I find Riley plating up the meal she made for us. I take a seat across from her and dish up my serving. I close my eyes and take a deep breath once again, as I can feel the blood flow attempting to return to my dick. “Mmmm,” she moans as her fork slips from her lips. I’ve never been so goddamn jealous of a fucking fork, but I am at this moment. “So, freaking good,” she exclaims once she’s swallowed the bite of food.

“That good, huh?” I ask, hoping that the gruffness of my voice isn’t as evident to her as it is to my ears.

“Seriously, the best!” she exclaims as she readies another bite. I pick up my fork and knife and cut a bite to try for myself. As soon as the food hits my tongue, I’m done for. She wasn’t joking when she said it was terrific.

“Damn, this is incredible. What else can you cook that is this amazing?” I ask, only half-joking. If she’s this good of a cook, I’m going to be in trouble.

“I love to cook and experiment, and I can follow a recipe like it's my job.”

We finish up our meal, mostly in silence. I try not to stare at Riley like a creeper. “I’ll clean up since you cooked,” I state as Riley gets up and takes her dirty dishes to the sink.

“You’re sure?” she questions. “I don’t mind loading my things into the dishwasher.”

“I’ve got it, I insist.”

“Okay, thanks,” she says, setting the dishes down. “If you think you’ll be good alone with Evie for the next hour or so, I think I’ll run out to my place and pack a bag.”

“We should be fine around here,” I assure her.

“Sounds good. Text, or call me if anything changes. It shouldn’t be too long. I can always go back another time and grab more things.”



I quickly grab my wallet, keys, and phone from the diaper bag and head for my car. The last twenty or so hours are catching up to me. I can’t believe all that has transpired since Derek called me last night, and if someone had told me yesterday morning that I’d have Copyright 2016 - 2024