The Cursed - By L.A. Banks Page 0,58

one said a word. No wonder her husband was pissed off at himself and embarrassed... how many daggone hotels had they been in and seen that basic type of demon? But under the circumstances, she could definitely understand his knee-jerk reaction to err on the side of caution.

Slowly, smiles broke out on faces and team members began shaking then-heads, rubbing the backs of their necks, and running their fingers through their hair.

"Dayum," Jose said. "Aw'ight, I'm good now. But don't take a brother there."

"Whew." Berkfield just rubbed his face with both palms.

"I'm saying," Shabazz muttered, as the rest of the team muttered their relief. The only person who remained a little edgy and distant was Marlene, like she was only half-buying the story. Damali wasn't about to tell her that there hadn't been enough time for her and Carlos to discuss all of that, much less reason it out The team needed to feel like he was just erring on the side of caution, and that was it. Protecting his dignity was paramount right now.

"Okay, guys, here's what's up," Damali finally said, trying to wrest back cohesion and keep everybody cool, despite her own fears. "Just like old times. We find a hotel - base camp. Dan gets on the phone to do his thing, just like we had to do with the Beverly Hills mansion that got trashed; the old house and property gets donated to the Covenant as a tax write-off so we're open to buy a new joint. J.L. and Krissy set up the fax and Internet connection with the Covenant and bless the transmission in white light." Dan nodded. "I'm on it, D. We get settled in, handle oar business, and get the Covenant ready to do the purchase - this time, with us in a blind limited liability partnership - each couple with an equal percentage share and the Covenant with ten percent ownership."

"That's my brother," Damali said, hugging Dan. She knew he was always on point, but now more so than ever before, he had a purpose and would be on top of his game. Damali let him go with a kiss on his cheek and settled her gaze on the women on the team.

"You know the drill, ladies. All seers, you heard Carlos, start envisioning where there's an adequate property, and Dan can do his thing - cash. Wire transfer makes people stop haggling all the time. Carlos can bring in what you mentally shot him this morning, plus scavenge what we need from the old compound. So we dooo this. If I know Carlos, your bags will be at the hotel when we get there. Then we can all go find us a good restaurant to bust a grub."

"They've got a Ferrari dealership down on Prospect Street, I think," Jose said with a broad smile, looking at Dan. "Plus, down on Avenida de la Playa," he added, looking at Bobby,

"They got surfing shops, glider-port joints - it's all you, man." Damali just looked at him and didn't say a word. While she was glad that the team was starting to normalize, still, it was going to take a while getting used to all the newly hybrid team talents. She just shook her head as they trudged up the beach. A tracker... a nose ... that could see? Jose? Who'd gotten it from his wife? Yeah, these were some very strange days and times, indeed.

* * *

"They are both partial to the sea," Sebastian murmured as he stood over his poisonous batch deep within the Black Forest. Night creatures stirred, the moon was full, and he swept his arms over the top of the magic-charred kettle to increase the heat with a blueblack lightning bolt. "Call them to the water, Siren, where her oracle works best. They may still be in the Pacific." He stroked his familiar, and the gray tabby arched and hissed, then nipped his hand. "There, there, precious," he crooned. "You did very well." Siren leaned over the dark cauldron that was angrily frothing and gazed into the swirling morass of evil intent with opaque eyes and released her voice. Vicious tendrils of po tion shot up and wrapped around the airborne sound that turned sallow in their grip, strangling and grasping it to drag it down into the bubbling hot mixture.

"Excellent," Sebastian whispered. He looked at Medusa and for a moment she backed up.

"Give it to me!"

She stepped forward with a scowl and closed her eyes. "I'm Copyright 2016 - 2024