The Cursed - By L.A. Banks Page 0,46

the brothers drew in with solidarity.

"He needs a cover story to chill out his mom and pops," Jose said. "Bobby and Krissy are lucky, their parents are here. But like Inez's mom, we can't pull in the Weinsteins, so they'll

need constant vigil over them, like Inez's mom and baby."

"Yeah, because if we go in and leave a tracer that could put his mom and old man in danger, none of us will be able to live with that - but this man has gotta be able to let his people know he's all right, happily married to a nice Jewish girl, and might be a daddy." Rider landed a heavy palm of support on Dan's shoulder as Dan continued to rake his hair.

"Thanks, Rider... Jose." Dan looked at Heather as the women on the team gathered around her. "I just need to be sure she's okay, Rabbi, and I want my parents'

blessing...after all I've seen, ya know."

"Oy, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, you make this old man have an ulcer!"

"It is for the greater good," Monk Lin said softly.

"What - my ulcer?"

"No, Daniel's ability to get a family blessing on his union," Father Pat said calmly with a slight chuckle.

"If there's a child in the offing, then family cohesion is paramount," Imam Asula said.

"Honor thy mother and father ... thus - "

"Okay, okay, I don't need you to quote Old Testament to me. I cut my teeth on Old Testament, Asula. Humph!"

"Listen," Carlos said in a weary voice. "I can whirl you, Dan, Heather, and me to his parents, black-box it, let them meet, and leave. I can pull up right outside their door. You be there as the cleric that they've been corresponding with all this time, they can meet Heather, then we drive off in a car, go around the corner, and be out."

"And who might you be, how do I explain you, Mr. Rivera, who looks like a G.I. Joe action-figure marine? Their son is supposed to be on a kibbutz! You all have me, a man of the faith, lying through my teeth - and at the end of days, I don't mind telling you people, this is unwise a thing to do - am I the only crazy one here? Is it me?"

"He was on a kibbutz, sorta, Rabbi," Rider said with a grin. "I looked it up to be sure I knew what it meant, as I'd hate to lie to clerics or have them lie ... it's a - "

"Collective settlement," Dan said in a rush.

"In Israel!" the rabbi shouted.

"Does it have to be, or can someone who's Jewish be in it to qualify?" Heather asked, panicking.

Marlene cringed and placed a finger over her lips and stared at Heather, who had slumped back.

"Do you see the problem, here, Daniel?" Rabbi Zeitloff shouted.

"Ain't no problem," Shabazz said. "Do it like this. You go m, you say, 'Hi, Mom, Dad, I've missed you and love you. While I was away on the kibbutz I met this beautiful woman -

her name is Heather. She converted for me, and you're gonna be grandparents. You already know Rabbi from the letters he was good enough to send with pictures.'" Shabazz sat back in his chair when the speakerphone remained silent. "Then, you wait and let your mother scream, hug you, and hug Heather. You let your dad slap your back. Our man Carlos gets introduced as Special Ser vices, Black Ops - the leader of your division - a division with no name. C-los rolls in there with five-star general gear on, leaving a mental suggestion, but never lying to your parents, and doesn't speak beyond a

'Nice to meet you ma'am, nice to meet you sir.' Then you say that you are not at liberty to say what you really do for a living but it is very high up, pays extremely well, and that you

are working strategically for world peace - which is the only reason your wedding was so rushed and you denied your mother her big wedding glory. But your rank and mission give them bragging rights in their neighborhood." Shabazz looked at Carlos. "Then you glance at your watch and state that it's o-whatever-hundred hours it is, and time to move out. Let Dan and Heather hug and kiss their people - and be out, brother."

"That's a plan I can live with," Carlos said, pounding Shabazz's fist.

"That's some smooth shit, man," Jose said, and then checked himself. "I mean, stuff."

"Where's the lie?" Carlos asked, directing his Copyright 2016 - 2024