The Cursed - By L.A. Banks Page 0,30

seeping down it to pool at his base while her firm round breasts bounced as she moved against him, coaxing his entry.

"We can't," he finally said on a thick gasp, pulling one of her tight, pink nipples between his lips. "Just lemme get the crud off, then you won't be able to get me off you." She felt like a crazy woman as she quickly grabbed the soap and lathered his hair, running her fingers through his jet-black silk. His almond-hued skin against hers made her feel dangerous as her druid gift of kinetic expression absorbed all the erotic impulses he'd had and shot them back at him. Her kisses forced him into the spray, water blinding them, soap rushing away, breathing in bursts of passion before mouths locked again. She loved him so much, this kind, gentle war rior with intensely private eyes and a razor-sharp mind, who'd chosen her... and he'd married her. Body friction more than soap had cleaned him off. But the moment her kinetic energy entwined with his tactical sensory capacity, he lost it.

"Kris, baby, right now - I gotta be in you." He backed her into the wall, a deep moan reverberating off the tiles.

She couldn't catch her breath, but seeing him come unglued sent a sliver of logic into her brain at the last sec ond. "You sure, 'cause you said - "

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure, baby, oh yeah, oh God, yes, oh ... yeah, I think we're both clean enough."

* * *

he used a crystal rocks glass from the suite's bar to pour the milky white bath through her hair. Mesmerized by her long, blue-black ropes and how the opaque water drizzled through it, it was all he could do to not touch her flawless ivory skin. But having been strongly rebuffed in front of the team by his brand-new wife, the last thing he wanted to do was add in sult to injury. He'd followed Marlene's rules to the letter, as hard as that was to do while watching Jasmine's petite nude body move like a water nymph in the shower. However, the last thing he wanted to do was mess up some ritual as the youngest guy on the team - or be the loose link that allowed terror into the family.

So, he was gonna do the right thing, stay on his knees and wash her hair like she had so lovingly washed his first, even though he'd been in the wrong. And if he stayed on his knees and kept his body pressed close to the edge of the huge tub, then maybe the hard-on would die down before she got an gry again. If he could just get his hand not to tremble as he poured the milky water over her gorgeous hair... and if he could stop staring at her cinnamon-brown nipples that played a bobbing game of hide-and-seek in the water with him ... he had to also ignore the peaceful expression on her beautiful face and the way her dark brown, almond-shaped eyes almost hunted him as he worked. Her small, heart-shaped mouth was nearly his undoing as her pink lips parted and she took in a sip of air. Her eyes slid shut as he massaged her scalp. Yeah, on his knees was just where he should be - in the right position to beg her not to be angry anymore. Bobby swallowed hard and touched Jasmine's face. "You still mad at me?" he asked, hearing the toiletries on the bathroom counter begin to rattle.

"No," she said, without opening her eyes as she relaxed in the tub.

"You sure?" he murmured, noticing towels begin to slip from the racks on their own.

"I was just afraid," she murmured. "I never want to lose you. I've lost all my family in the Philippines ... those that I knew, and then we lost Gabrielle - who was your aunt, but like a mother to me. But, Robert, I've never known love like this." Jasmine sat up slowly and opened her eyes. His voice caught in his throat as she took his mouth. She'd used his formal name ... the name that made him sound more like a man than the team kid the old dudes treated him as. He pulled her to her knees with only a short rise of porcelain between them as his hands caressed her hair to slide down to her shoulders and arms, then glide over her breasts.

"Say it again," he whispered against her Copyright 2016 - 2024