The Cursed - By L.A. Banks Page 0,27

she broke their kiss. "When I agreed to allow an assist, I didn't know it would come like this." Marlene nodded. "The bathroom is wrecked, how about if we go in the bedroom and I finish that massage?"

He kissed her long and slow and deep, not needing his newly developing third eye to know that neither of them wanted to talk about it just yet.

* * *

inez inspected his hand as though she were working for the Feds and his fists were contraband coming in from a for eign nation. Amused, Mike stood just inside the door, stripped, a plastic bag at his feet, waiting for his new bride to complete her assessment.

"They were just cut up so bad before," she said, gently spreading his huge hand out in hers. "No matter how many times I see one of the healers do it, it just amazes me to watch the wounds go back to normal when they're done."

"Yeah, suga, sorry about that. Razor tails, vicious little fangs, straight-edge wings.

Sucker-punching that funnel cloud was like I threw a punch into a switchblade blender." He sighed and stared at her. "Baby, I think she got it all out... but I wouldn't ever do anything to - "

Her kiss backed him up to the door as she stood on her tip toes.

" 'Nez, we ain't supposed to - "

Where her touch landed stopped his words and made him deepen a new kiss. Her curvaceous body fit against him in all the right places and her hands were causing delirium.

"I gotta get this battle off me, suga, then I swear I'll make restitution. I'm so dirty, you don't want none of this 'til I clean up."

"Are you kidding me?" she whispered. "I want all of it, Mike. What would I do without you?"

Kisses pelted his chest and shoulders and his Adam's ap ple as he lifted his head to try to keep his mouth from hers. He didn't want to go against Marlene's wisdom, but damn, this woman was driving him outta his natural mind.

Inez's hands splayed wide, her fingers stretching, huge square-cut diamond catching light as she pressed against him, letting her satin-finish tongue glide over every brick in his ab

domen. A shudder put his back against the door; a warm whis per of a kiss caressed his navel until his groin contracted. Although she was just an itty-bitty thing by comparison, the places she could reach with her short, fine self were buckling his knees. When she kissed him there, right where it hurt so good, he slapped the molding.

"Suga, you gonna make me mess up Marlene's instruc tions, girl... c'mon now. You better quit while you're ahead." His protest sounded weak even to his own ears as his rough palms glided over butter-smooth, brown skin, and lush, squeezable curves when she stood.

"If something woulda happened to your big, crazy ass, Michael, I would have died," Inez said, closing her eyes to rub her cheek against his chest. "Damali would have been trying to restart my heart, but I swear to you, man, I would have refused to come back out of the Light." She smothered him with another kiss when he leaned down to receive it, and then threw her arms around his neck.

He lied to himself, thinking he had no other choice but to pick her up and take her into the bathroom with him. That's what he was saying in his mind the whole time her micro-braids teased his shoulders and her plump, juicy behind made him stupid while he kneaded it as he walked them across the floor. He remembered something Marlene had said about them both having to get doused, and after doing purges a hundred times over the years, half-memory kicked in, and he functioned on autopilot.

It was just that somehow he forgot to let his baby girl get out of her pretty teddy. The shower went on and she went in with it. And somehow it was impossible to make himself actually put her down. She was in charge of soap, he was doing the heavy lifting, the soap was working as greased lightning against friction, and the quick prayer they'd both said at the door would have to handle the rest.

* * *

"don't touch me!" Dan nearly shouted as he hopped around in a circle stripping down.

"Don't even hold the bag, back away from it, honey. Oh, shit, your period is late, and I brought this home ... remind me to kick my own Copyright 2016 - 2024