The Cursed - By L.A. Banks Page 0,160

of golden fabric over her forearm. "Tell them, Solomon. Bring David into the accord as well. Is it not true that once any of the biblical seals are broken the veil begins to weaken on its own? Are there not to be sightings of beasts and angels during said time? That is a thinning, if not a complete rupture, when humans readily see what has been hidden to all but very few over centuries." Aset went to her husband and laid her hand on his shoulder and wiped his glistening brow. "It is not his fault, or due to any waning power on his part. This was foretold."

"What can we do on our end?" Carlos said loudly, trying to get the combined councils'

attention. When the debate stopped and they looked at him, Carlos began talking fast.

"Ausar can't be expected to hold shields alone, true, but at the same time, just letting demon hybrid squads roll on earth isn't acceptable, either. Like, we could go over there tonight, me and D, and do some damage so our brother can rest."

"One male Neteru kept them in check for eons, right?" Damali said, her hands on hips.

"Can't we go in, do a cleanup battle over there with blades raised, take some of the weight off Ausar, but back 'em up off the breaches?"

"Meanwhile, if the Queens could rig something, any thing ... silver energy nets, I don't know what - Ausar could recharge his battery, so to speak, while we reduce the threat level in Nod. Then, when he's got more juice, we raise shields again." Carlos looked around, tension slowly coiling within him as the council members took their time to decide.

"It could be worth an attempt," Adam said, "an important one. Know this, young brother

... as Ausar's energy dips, it will soon affect each of our power, hence Hannibal's outrage and readiness to go to war now, rather than later. So this has to work, or there will be no alternative."

"Can we get three to five days?" Damali asked.

"We are not supposed to sanction any transgression into Nod," Solomon said.

"Unless it is during the end of days when a seal has been broken," Adam countered.

"Remember, during the last days, it was expected that armies of strange beings would flood the earth, just as strange occurrences in weather and natural dis asters would increase."

"Can you hang for three to five, man?" Carlos asked Ausar with genuine concern lacing his voice.

"Yes. As long as I conserve energy and remain very, very focused," Ausar said with a labored breath, closing his eyes again.

"Okay, we're in," Carlos said, looking at Damali.

"My oracle," she said quickly, glancing at her Queens. "Has there been any change? Is there any information we can work with?"

"Bring her the pearl," Aset ordered, sending away two female Guardian spirits to quickly return with the translu cent energy bowl filled with ancient Blue Nile water. Damali quickly went over to the bowl and caressed the water's surface while two armored female Guardian war riors held it out for her. "Zehiradangra..." Damali called gently to her oracle and then nodded to Carlos.

"Z, baby ... how you feeling?" He dropped his voice to a gentle, sensual murmur. "We miss you. C'mon home." Car los looked at Damali and shrugged what? when she simply shook her head.

Aset also shook her head when the water's surface began to move with a steady, tiny stream of small bubbles.

Damali cut him a glare with a smile. Figures. My damned pearl and she only comes when you call her.

"Carlos?" the pearl murmured.

"Yeah, baby, I'm right here," he said, trying not to look at Damali. "You okay?"

"It was terrible" Zehiradangra said in a long, sad croon. Carlos touched the water with his fingertips and ignored Damali's elbow to his ribs. "It's gonna be all right. I know you saw some really horrible things, but we got you now, boo." The Kings nodded with satisfaction. Nefertiti, Eve, and Nzinga rolled their eyes and conferred with Aset.

"How the hell did he get her oracle to respond to him like that?" Nzinga fussed under her breath. "Untoward, I tell you." She sat back and folded her arms.

"Let it go, he's getting results," Aset said.

"Hi, Z," Damali said with a tight voice.

"Damali!" Zehiradangra said, perking up. "I thought I felt you, too."

"I love you, too," Damali said, sarcasm lacing her tone.

"You don't sound like it." The bubbles in the water stopped moving. Carlos shot Damali a look. Chill... c'mon now.

Damali sighed and blew a Copyright 2016 - 2024