The Cursed - By L.A. Banks Page 0,139

Yonnie grinned at Carlos, flashing a hint of fang. "But the woman can throw down, C."

"I'm out."

"Oh, so now, no thank you, Yonnie. No exchange for the info - "

"I gave you valuable info," Carlos said laughing. "Told you your ass was burning so you could go to a dark coven clinic and get your shit sandblasted." Yonnie flipped Carlos the bird, making him laugh harder. "Oh, so now it's like that?"

"See you tomorrow night, man," Carlos said, walking away and shaking his head.

* * *

It was so peaceful outside as he made it down a part of the ridge and through the front gardens that he almost wanted to stop and just listen to the night sounds, breathing it all in. But there was something much more pressing propelling him toward the house. Just seeing his friend's jacked-up situation reminded him of all the things he needed to be thankful for once again.

Carlos stopped before he got to the front door and said a prayer to jettison anything off him that he might be carrying as baggage from his brief meeting outside with his very wild friend. But as he crossed the threshold, he knew he couldn't judge Yonnie. They had walked similar paths, but very different circumstances prevailed. For one, during the entire time he'd been a vamp, he'd had Damali.

He crossed the great foyer with that singular concept in mind, and bounded up the right side of the dual staircase to reach the second floor. He'd been real lucky that he'd never been subjected to an installation by Lilith, or worse. Timing - whew, Carlos wiped his brow as he paced down the hall. When his moves had landed him dark promotions, Damali had always been there to passionately celebrate with. Same deal in the reverse. She'd been

right there with him by his side in the Light He hadn't ever needed to go anywhere else, where he could have picked up something nasty he couldn't shake. Anything wild and elaborate he did had been because... yeah, he was out of his damned mind. When he pushed open the bedroom door he stood in the archway of it for a moment. She had put tallows of all shapes and sizes on the wrought-iron racks he'd set up for her around the bed. He could smell the fire combining with melting wax, shea butter, and something deep and musky and sensual coming from the bathroom ... running water. He stared at the butter cream-hued sheets and satin duvet she had turned down, suddenly feeling too grimy to enter the sacred space she'd created.

"Hi," she murmured, coming out of the bathroom.

He didn't move or immediately answer. He couldn't, but just allowed his eyes to drink her in. Soft candlelight from the bathroom and bedroom framed her in a muted golden glow. Gentle light caressed the semisheer, long ivory satin sheath she wore that was held on her shoulders by the barest wisp of cord. The illusion of her nude form, just the outline of her body, was paralyzing ... where her breasts rose, her nipples pouted against the silk, the swell of her hips, the dip of her waist, the smooth crest of her thighs, the way her mound rose slightly between the V between her legs ... He loved watching the colors dance in the reds and golds and browns of her hair, and the way it played across her caramel skin, her eyes making it sparkle. Oh, definitely, thank you, Lord.

"I need to strip by the door...just in case," he said quietly, ashamed to be so dirty in her presence. "I had to deliver the message to my boy, start the ball rolling. Sorry I'm late." She crossed the room with a security clothing bag, her expression serene, and handed it to him. "I know. It's cool. It gave me time to get ready for you." He looked at her and started peeling away the offending fabrics. The way she was staring at him made it hard to breathe as he sealed the bag and dropped it by the door. She nodded with a smile toward title deck.

"Oh, yeah, right," he said, remembering protocol, and picked up the bag, tossed it out into the bonsai garden, then locked the sliding glass door.

She chuckled. "C'mon ... let me get you into the tub." He didn't have to be told twice. He let her lead the way and made sure he didn't touch her. He briefly hesitated as she Copyright 2016 - 2024