The Cursed - By L.A. Banks Page 0,108

wig because she could probably sense what was about to happen before it did." Carlos watched Shabazz's body begin to relax, and he sent the shot glass down the bar in a hard slide with a nod to okay the refill. "If it turned her out to see the canines, it was probably only because she realized that you'd lost it - flipped, bugged, wigged so hard that you ain't have no control left - something probably unusual for a brother known to own control... and she was the one who took you there - so naturally, she'd respond in kind. It ain't have nothing to do with no other motherfucker from the past. Rest his soul in

peace, man."

Shabazz lifted his shot glass to Carlos when the bartender put it before him and clinked the side of Carlos's rocks glass. "Rest his soul in peace."

"Right, man." Carlos took a sip of Remy and then rolled the near empty glass between his palms. "Didn't I just go through this?"

Shabazz let out a hard breath. "Damn, man, all this shit runs in cycles."

"Yeah it does." Carlos smiled. "Why don't you go take your ass back upstairs so you don't start the other bullshit cycle none of us wants to be caught in, namely, being in the doghouse."

Shabazz chuckled. "I'ma finish my drink."

"Brother... you know what... you just left your lady up there after probably turning her out with a canine drop like she's never seen, and when she comes to and rolls over and you come strolling back into the room an hour later smelling like the bar, I don't need second sight to tell you how the thing is gonna go."

Laughing harder, Shabazz knocked down his shot. "I ain't rushing. She don't run me, aw'ight," he said, standing.

"Yeah, I know ... I'm just saying ..."

Shabazz extended his fist and Carlos pounded it.

"For da bruthaz," Carlos said, finally laughing.

"If I hear about this again, I'll shoot you," Shabazz said with a wide grin. Carlos held his hands up in front of his chest. "I don't even know what you're talking about."

"Yeah, okay," Shabazz said, glancing at Carlos over his shoulder, and then he stopped and turned slowly, the smile disappearing from his face. "Why were you down here? You all right, man?"

Carlos looked up from his drink. "Yeah. I'm cool." Shabazz didn't move.

"Just thinking 'bout my boy, that's all." There was no way to explain it to Shabazz, so Carlos forced a smile. "I'm good, man. I just came down here for some headspace. I'll see you in the morning."

Shabazz nodded. "I understand more than you know, just like you just understood my shit a second ago," he said in a quiet, concerned tone. "Remember - been there. Nobody understands what losing your ace is like, unless they've lost theirs, especially when you take the blame for how it went down. Survivor's guilt is a nasty bitch, like none other, brother. Don't forget, I shot my own man by accident hi a vamp alley attack... and had ten years of headspace in the joint to think about it when authorities didn't understand." Shabazz extended his hand for Carlos to shake and held on for a second in a warrior's forearm grasp, sending tactical support into Carlos's system. "When you gotta leave one of your own, that never gets outta your head, man ... so, if you ever wanna talk about it - I got your back."

"That's good to know, man. Thanks," Carlos said when Shabazz let him go. The support charge made him feel bet ter, but he still wasn't ready to talk about it. Still really didn't see what good that would do anyway. It was what it was, fucked up beyond repair. "Go get with your lady - I'll see you in the morning."

* * ** * *

he'd been called before, but never like this. Two polar-opposite probes splintered his mind. Yonnie put both hands to either side of his head and yelled as pain erupted inside his skull. He stumbled along the edge of the Venice Beach pier and vomited up blood as the searing pain moved from his skull into his fangs. Sweating and only able to go a few feet before stopping, he knew he'd never be able to transport himself to a safe lair by sunrise.

"Carlos ... help me, man," Yonnie choked out, gasping. When he wiped his face, he brought his hands away quickly, staring at them in horror. Putrid flesh replaced what had Copyright 2016 - 2024