Cursed (Enchanted Gods #1) - K.K. Allen Page 0,50

strange sensation percolating through my body.

“What time is it?” It’s all I can think to ask.

“It’s noon,” the faint sound responds.

And that’s when it happens. It’s like I’m not even in control of my own body when my chin lifts. My eyes look up, directly at the sun. I’ve learned enough about the summer solstice to know that noon on this day is when the sun reaches its highest point. But why does it feel like its rays are pouring through my body, filling me with enough energy to light an entire city?

The sun is too bright. I attempt to look away, but I’m blinded by a brighter, familiar light. It takes over my sight like it did that first day on the beach.

I jam my eyelids together, squeezing them, expecting to drown the bright light with darkness, but it lingers. Just as panic sets in, an electric shock jolts my insides, like a spark igniting every nerve in my body. It’s… exhilarating… I think. There’s nothing painful about it this time. Nor is there a headache that accompanies the light. All I can feel is the sun infusing me with a heat that reaches my bones.

I try again, slowly opening and closing my eyes as dizziness overcomes me. My head feels foggy, and it’s too much to hold on anymore. And then I’m plummeting forward into a deep white cloud of nothingness.

The world is moving in slow motion. I open my eyes, but the blinding white light persists, sending me into a panic. My breathing becomes shallow as I try to make sense of my surroundings.

Where am I?

There’s sand between my toes, heat is kissing my cheeks, and the faint sounds of a party start to trigger my memory. Then my sight slowly begins to return.

“What the…” I gasp and whirl around. I’m on the beach in front of Summer Manor. The party seems to still be in full swing, but…

How did I get here? I was just sitting by the pool with Alec. Confused and disoriented, I fall to my knees just as a shadow of someone approaching appears on the sand. Using my hands to block the sunlight from my eyes, I spot Rose.

She watches me, waiting for me to react as if this is some sort of science experiment and she knows what just happened.

“What was that?” I know my tone is accusatory, but she knows something, and I’m starting to run out of patience.

“How do you feel?”

I look at her, incredulous. “How do I feel? I was just sitting by the pool with Alec. There was a bright light, then I was falling. Now I’m here. How do I feel? I feel crazy. Do you know what’s happening to me? I’m scared, Rose. Something is wrong with me.” My voice is shaking.

Rose smiles, which is not at all what I was expecting. “Hush, dear. You’re perfectly fine. Alec thinks you wanted some fresh air, so he went inside to wait for you. Now, tell me. Are you feeling okay?”

I want to blurt out that I’m not. How could I feel okay after what just happened? But that’s the craziest part of all. I am fine. I’m better than fine. Every nerve ending in my body is buzzing with electricity. My heartbeat is strong and steady within the confines of my ribcage, and I just feel strong—physically and mentally.

“It’s beginning.” Pure happiness spreads across Rose’s face as she mutters those two words that send chills straight up my spine.

“What’s beginning?

Rose places her hands on my cheeks. “Welcome to your Enchantment.”

Huh? “My what?”

“Your Enchantment. Your becoming. Your… awakening.”

No matter how many versions Rose comes up with, I still don’t understand.

“It’s a wonderful thing, Katrina, I promise you. Don’t be afraid of what you’re feeling. Embrace it.” Rose drops her hands from my face and smiles. “Come with me. We’ll cut the cake. When everyone leaves, we’ll have a chat.”

“Wait. You want the party to be over?”

Rose nods. “We have a lot to talk about. Just don’t make a wish when you blow out the candles.”

My jaw drops. “This is my birthday party, Rose. That’s what people do when they blow out their candles. They make wishes.”

“Just trust me, Katrina. All will become clear soon.”

Not knowing what else to do, I follow her up the back stairs, past the pool and patio, and through the back entrance of the house. All the guests are now drifting from the room, greeting me as I pass them. I try to Copyright 2016 - 2024