Cursed (Enchanted Gods #1) - K.K. Allen Page 0,31

of, but not this. He stares at me like a hungry lion ready to pounce on his prey.

If he wants me to cower, it doesn’t work. I am, however, annoyed. “You don’t have to give me a tour. I can find my own way.” I step to the side, but he steps out, too, blocking my path.

I’m careful to avoid his eyes as he speaks.

“Come with me.” His gruff tone is a shock to my center. He steps out of my way and moves toward the double doors that lead to the kitchen. I rush to keep up.

I could ask him what his problem is with me, but I choose a different tactic. “I’m sorry for whatever it is I’ve done to you to make you hate me.”

Although he’s in front of me, I notice his expression soften. Or maybe it’s my imagination.

“I’ll show you the kitchen before I start my shift.”

He’s silent the entire way to the kitchen, but he’s nice enough to open the wooden swinging doors for me to walk through. I take this opportunity to offer him my friendliest smile, hoping we’ve moved past the awkward portion of our working relationship. He grazes my eyes before looking forward into the kitchen. No such luck.

“Hey, Mikey,” Johnny calls out to the stout chef with grease stains smeared over his white shirt. I can’t help but notice that Johnny greets him with a fake Jersey accent. I’m confused. His expression appears playful. Johnny doesn’t seem like someone who makes jokes, but maybe he just doesn’t make jokes with me.

Mikey stands behind the counter with a grin on his face and two knives raised in greeting. “Johnny,” he calls back in the same accent, and I realize it’s a thing they have together. “Who’s the pretty lady?” Mikey calls out now, his eyes returning to whatever he’s cutting.

I blush as Johnny points a lazy finger in my direction. “This is Kat, Rose Summer’s granddaughter. She’s going to work here.”

“I just got an audition actually.” As soon as I say the words, I regret them.

Johnny’s eyes jerk to mine, and his playfulness is gone. “What’s it with you correcting everyone?” His eyes reveal his annoyance.

I inhale slowly through my nose, bite my tongue, and sink back to listen to his instructions.

“We put the tickets for the orders here.” He points to a circular device on the edge of the metal workstation. “They’ll set the food up on the edge when it’s ready, and then you take the completed order to your table.”

As Johnny walks around the kitchen, naming everything and telling me what it does, I reconsider my decision to work here. It’s not like me to give up, but why would I choose to work with someone who hates me for no apparent reason? This was his territory first, and whatever his problem is doesn’t seem to be getting better. Surely there’s another job available on the island.

He walks me to the back corner of the kitchen to show me where the refreshments and silverware are kept. I stop him there. “Thank you for the tour, Johnny. I don’t think I’ll take the audition, though.”

He blinks as if puzzled by my sudden decision. Making him momentarily speechless provides me with an inkling of joy, but it doesn’t last.

“Why are you telling me this? You need to tell Roy.” He leads me to the opposite side of the room, where two doors read Office and Break Room.

The door to the break room swings open, and Trisha stands there with a bright smile. I beam back at her in recognition, happy to see a friendly face.

“Kat! What are you doing back here?” Trisha’s long bouncy blond hair sits high on her head in a ponytail. Her blue eyes twinkle.

“I was applying for that job, but”—I throw a glance at Johnny—“I don’t think it’s the right place for me.”

Trisha frowns. “No! I need you. There aren’t any other girls my age here.”

Johnny sighs loudly and shuffles his feet, most likely irritated at our brief detour from my exit. We ignore him.

“Roy will hire you,” Trisha says, trying to convince me. “We’re desperate for help.”

In an abrupt move, Johnny brushes past me, and all my tiny arm hairs rise in full salute. “I’ve got to clock in for my shift. I’ll see you on Monday.” He doesn’t spend a second more with me before escaping through the break room door.

Trisha scrunches her face in response to his rude exit, then she grins. “I’m Copyright 2016 - 2024