Cursed (Enchanted Gods #1) - K.K. Allen Page 0,29

just a way of life. And Wiccans believe the summer solstice is celebrated as a day to give themselves to their greater beings through sacrifice. To us, the solstice is a time when we celebrate all nature has to offer.”

“So then, it’s more spiritual than anything. It’s not… witchcraft.” I let out an uncomfortable laugh, waiting for Rose to agree.

Instead, she turns away like what she just said was completely normal. “Have fun exploring, dear. I think I’ll turn in for a nap now. Let Charlotte know when you’re done, and she can take you anywhere you’d like to go.”

“Rose,” I call.

Perhaps it’s the desperation in my tone, but she stops in her tracks and turns to face me. “What is it, Katrina?”

“Something weird is going on with me. Why do I think you might know why that is?”

Rose frowns. “Weird how?”

I tell her about my strange vision on the beach and my nightmare of the woman who looked like me in the mirror. I explain how Iris nearly killed me with her car, then I was somehow able to hear her conversation at Island Grille. “Why do I feel like all of this is connected?”

Rose nods slowly. “Because it is, dear. Everything is connected. Always. But I assure you, everything you’re going through is normal and nothing to be alarmed about. You’re in a new home and a new town, and information can be… overwhelming. As for the conversation you overheard, running a small town like this comes with a certain responsibility. Unfortunately, politics gets involved, and certain folks feel a sense of privilege because they’ve lived here all their lives. Most of us in the community are in agreement with the laws we’ve established. The majority want me as their leader, but there are some who don’t.” Rose shrugs.

As Rose speaks, I can see a sadness in her eyes. “I don’t understand. What is it that they want?”

She sighs. “It’s complicated. Some of them want to rip down trees and bulldoze historical landmarks to build popular chain restaurants and hotels so they can promote Summer Island as a tourism spot. It would destroy everything our family has spent our lives trying to preserve.”

“Why would they want to do that? What’s in it for them?”

Rose doesn’t even bat an eye before she answers. “Power. Greed. There’s a darkness in this world that feeds the weak. It’s my job to keep those people in check.” She winks at me then gestures around the room. “I can see your curiosity will suit this room just fine.”

There’s a soft click of the door as she exits the room, and I’m left alone with my swirling thoughts and endless list of questions that only seems to be growing. Rose says it’s all connected—my dreams, my vision, and my magnified senses and strength. My eyes scan the endless shelves of books. Somehow, I’m to find my answers here.

Guess I better get started.

Summer Library is quickly becoming my favorite room in the house. Some days, I spend my afternoons scanning the wood-paneled bookcases. On others, I just sit beneath the dome ceiling and bask in the sunlight.

The collection of books is filled with classic literature, like the works of Shakespeare, Fitzgerald, and Joyce, and the list goes on and on. But the majority of the books revolve around Greek mythology, which is what I spend most of my time devouring. Every story I read is either an interpretation or reinterpretation of other stories, but with each one, I learn something new.

I get a little stir-crazy five days later and ask Charlotte to drive me to the island so I can drop off my job application at Island Grille. She’s more than happy to oblige, and she waits in the car while I head inside.

“Summer, you say?” Roy, the manager of Island Grille, is gawking as if I’ve just cursed at him. “I suppose I have no choice then. The old woman send you here?” His voice is deep and agitated, but I get the distinct impression he doesn’t dislike my grandmother. He may even be fond of her.

My eyes flash with determination. I don’t want to rely on the Summer name to gain work. “Rose didn’t send me here. Trisha told me that you might be hiring.”

Roy tilts his head and folds his arms across his chest. “Is that right?” His eyes scan my face as if performing a lie detector test. After a moment he releases his stance and smiles. His teeth are big Copyright 2016 - 2024