Cursed (Enchanted Gods #1) - K.K. Allen Page 0,19

my haunting thoughts just long enough to make a decision to sprint forward, but after one step, I realize there’s no time to run from the quickly approaching vehicle. Instead, I use all the energy I can muster to leap out of the street.

I didn’t anticipate my strength. I fly through the air, clearing the street and sidewalk completely, then lose all control as I try to get my feet beneath me for the landing. My toes touch down on the grass, but I’m leaning too far forward. Momentum pushes me hard onto my knees, and I roll until the towering statue of Athena stops me.

“Oomph.” All the air leaves my body, just as I hear the squeal of tires from applied brakes.

I look up to find two familiar-looking girls in the car, one with light brown hair, the other blond. “Sorry about that!” the blond girl in the driver's seat calls out. “I hope I didn’t hurt you.” The laughter in her voice tells me I shouldn’t believe her. Then she speeds away with her friend hollering with laughter beside her.

I roll my eyes and stand up, dusting grass and dirt from my black shorts and tank top. Now I remember where I know those girls from. They were at the volleyball game, cheering on Alec and Brett. I had a feeling they were trouble even then. The near hit and run incident just solidified it.

After checking my body to make sure they didn’t do any real damage, I confirm all my bones are intact. In fact, there’s not even a scratch on me. I blow out an annoyed breath and climb the steps to the library then stop immediately once inside.

White marble floors span the length of the three-story building. Endless rows of books surround the perimeter of each floor. The center is a wide-open space with a large glass dome ceiling that pours sunlight down onto a gold statue of the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life. Her hair is long and flowing. Her eyes catch the light so that they appear to glow, and her nude form reveals gracious curves. Her expression is one of someone putting up a great fight. The arm she extends is flexed, showcasing her strength, and she’s holding something. It takes me a second to figure out what’s in her hand, and when I do, I gasp.

A black snake with gold scales is wrapped around her fist. It looks to be hissing at her, with its mouth open wide and its reach only inches from her face. I nearly believe she’s in some kind of danger. But then I realize it’s the serpent that is helpless within her grip. Curious, I get closer to the statue to see if there’s any information written about her. But after circling the figure a few times, looking for a plaque or anything to clue me in as to who she is, I come up empty.

“Can I help you with something, miss?”

I look at the man who just approached. “Actually, yes. Who is she? I can’t find any information about her.”

The man cranes his neck to look up at the statue, and by the blush that creeps onto his cheeks, it’s clear I’m not the only one who finds the woman stunning. “I believe she’s an ancient Greek goddess.”

I frown. “Right, but do you know her name?”

He looks back at me, seeming completely thrown by my question. “No. No one knows who she is.” He perks up. “But if it’s Greek mythology you’re interested in, I can point you in the right direction.”

My curiosity fades into intrigue when I realize I can probably find the woman with a little research. “That would be great. Thank you.”

The man smiles and leads me to the top floor then to a section in the back corner named Mythologies. He leaves me, and I immediately begin scouring the shelves. One of the first books I come across is about the summer solstice. I slip it out from the stacks, remembering how interested Charlotte seemed to be in the occasion. I can brush up on my knowledge at least.

The next book I find is all about gods and goddesses from ancient Greece. I pull it down, sit on the floor, and begin to thumb through it, determined to find out who the statue in the library depicts. I flip through every single page, skimming the words and focusing on the images. Disappointment fills me when I get Copyright 2016 - 2024