Cursed Bones - By David A Wells Page 0,67

they landed easily at the bottom of the chasm two hundred feet below the surface of the glacier. The air was still and terribly cold, but Anatoly was sweating.

“I don’t want to do that again,” he said.

“I hate to bring this up right now,” Magda said, “but I suspect that we’re going to leave here on the back of a dragon.”

“I was really trying not to think about that,” he said.

“This way,” Alexander said a moment after he appeared before them. “Ixabrax is expecting you.”

They followed Alexander’s illusion through a giant crack in the ice and finally into a cave that opened up into a wide-domed cavern. In the center, Ixabrax lay coiled tightly, one eye open, watching them as they entered.

“Ixabrax, these are my friends,” Alexander said. “They’ve brought magic to heal you and they know where you can get an easy meal.”

“Very well, Human,” Ixabrax said. “I did not expect you to return, but I will honor our arrangement.” He turned his eye toward Anatoly and Magda. “You may proceed.”

“I’ll be back when I’m needed,” Alexander said, fading from sight.

Anatoly nodded, removing a jug from his pack. “This is a healing draught,” he said, holding it up to the dragon. “Drink this and it will mend your wounds.”

Ixabrax reached out with his taloned hand and took the jug, looking at it suspiciously for a moment before popping it into his mouth and crunching it with a single bite, swallowing the broken clay jug along with its contents.

“How long?” he asked.

“A few hours,” Magda said. “You’ll probably go to sleep while it does its work.”

“Very well,” he said, curling up and closing his eyes.

“We might as well get some rest, too,” Anatoly said.

“Given the frigid temperature down here I suggest we share our warmth,” Magda said.

Anatoly grunted agreement.

Chapter 20

Anatoly smoothly rolled out of the furs wrapped around Magda and himself, bringing his war axe up, then freezing in place, listening for a threat. Magda woke and looked at him questioningly. He motioned to the entrance of the cave with his chin. She quietly stood up, muttering the words of a spell under her breath.

The sound of whooshing air followed by three distinct thuds filtered through the cave entrance. Magda’s shield formed around her and she began casting another spell. Anatoly slowly made his way to the cave wall on one side of the entrance. Magda moved to the other side of the entrance, still whispering the words of a spell.

As the first of the half-man, half-dragon creatures entered, Magda released her spell. A blade the length of a sword appeared in her hand, except this blade was formed of light-blue magical force, almost transparent yet substantial enough to be deadly.

The creature noticed the sudden appearance of Magda’s weapon and turned toward her, giving Anatoly the opportunity to attack from behind with his axe, cleaving its head free of its body with a single stroke.

The second and third creatures roared in anger at the sudden attack. One breathed a gout of frigid air at Anatoly, completely engulfing him. Ice formed on his armor and he toppled over, paralyzed with the chill.

The other breathed at Magda, coating her shield with frost that sloughed off a moment later. Its companion charged her from the side, crashing into her shield and knocking her off balance. As she struggled to regain her footing, the creature hit her from the front, knocking her flat on her back. It leapt up, assisted by its wings and landed in the middle of her shield, weakening the magical bubble of protection as it flailed and thrashed against the nearly invisible barrier.

The other, seeing Magda struggling to defend against its companion, turned its attention to Anatoly, leaping into the air, gaining altitude with a single downward thrust of its wings before descending toward the helpless man-at-arms.

Magda swung her magical sword, severing the creature’s foot just above the ankle. It shrieked in pain, thrusting with its wings, lifting it well out of Magda’s sword range. She stumbled to her feet, turning toward Anatoly, helpless to defend him against the beast as it plummeted toward him, one taloned foot aiming for his unprotected head.

Then Ixabrax stirred, opening one eye and taking in the situation unfurling around him in a blink. His tail shot out, striking the descending creature in the chest, impaling it and driving his bone blade two feet into the stone wall with the force of the strike. The half-man, half-dragon slumped forward, pinned to the wall.

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