Curse of the Wolf King - Tessonja Odette Page 0,62

to make her own family look better. It will be the most boring dinner imaginable.”

“Boring. Well, that’s selling it.”

“Boring is good. It will allow you to dazzle Imogen with very little effort.”

He releases a sigh. “Fine. I take it you’ve already considered cost—”

“Don’t worry. I won’t go overboard with the budget. Like I already told you. I know how to handle these things. We’ll utilize minimal staff, have Bertha cook, and none will be the wiser. Oh, and speaking of budgets.” I rise from my seat and fetch Foxglove’s bill from the bureau. When I return to the sitting area, I stand before him and hand over the envelope.

“What is this?” he asks, tearing open the seal.

“That’s this week’s bill for the renovations and decor. Do not be alarmed. This will be the highest bill of all. After this, very little expenses will be required to maintain the manor.”

“Freezing hell,” he says, tipping his head back. “How many rooms did you have him redecorate?”

“Not many,” I say with a grimace. “I’ll show you everything. You’ll appreciate it once you see it.”

He rises, securing his staff beneath his arm, and heads for the door. “I doubt that.”

“Where are you going?”

“Where do you think? If I’m supposed to pay this ridiculous sum, I’ll need to fetch it from the vault.”

I follow after him. “I’ll come with you.”

He stops and whirls to face me. “No.”

I’m surprised by his reaction. “Mr. Rochester, it makes sense for me to know where your vault is. Since I’m in charge of your ledgers, I should also be in charge of auditing the vault and paying the staff.”

“I can handle that just fine.”

“But you don’t have to. That’s what I’m here for.”

“Oh, is it?” He laughs, but there’s no amusement in his eyes, only scorn.

“Yes,” I say. “I bargained to be your house steward because it’s a job I’m good at. I’m—”

“Don’t think I haven’t figured it out,” he says, voice firm, cold. “Don’t think Gray hasn’t told me how many times you’ve asked where my vault is. I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that neither she nor anyone else in the manor will tell you.”

My pulse begins to race as a creeping dread churns in my stomach. “I don’t understand.”

“I think you do, Miss Bellefleur. I know you seek to assure your success, but you should also know that I will do the same.”

“Speak clearly, Your Majesty,” I say through my teeth. “What exactly are you accusing me of?”

He takes a step closer, one that makes me shrink back. “Let me ask you this. If you learn where to find my fortune, what’s to stop you from taking it even if the curse isn’t broken?”

I swallow hard as a bead of sweat trickles behind my neck. He knows. He knows about my backup plan. Have I been that obvious?

“I’ll tell you what will stop you. Me. I will put every preventative measure in place to ensure you don’t get a single quartz chip if you fail your side of the bargain and let the curse claim my life.”

“Is that a threat?” I try for fierce, but my voice comes out with a tremor.

His, however, is calm, confident. “Yes, Miss Bellefleur, that’s a threat. I know better than to put my full trust in a human.”

Guilt sends my knees quaking. I hate that he’s right about my intentions. But he doesn’t have the whole story! He doesn’t know me or the pressures I face. He doesn’t understand that I don’t seek a backup plan because I want him to die. I seek it because…because I’ll have nowhere to go if this fails.

I push my guilt away, burying it beneath mounds of indignation. Folding my arms over my chest, I burn him with a glare. “How dare you threaten me? How dare you act like you know my mind? You know nothing.”

“I know what humans are like. I’ve been living amongst them far longer than you’ve been alive. I’ve seen their follies, and trust me, your kind have no redeeming qualities. Each human I’ve met has been a thief, a liar, or a murderer to some degree.”

“You’re wrong. Not all humans are like that.”

“No? Can you honestly say you’ve never lied? Not once?”

Heat rises to my cheeks. “Of course I’ve lied before.”

“Well, I haven’t. I’m incapable of it.”

“And yet you were perfectly willing to deceive me. You tried to trick me into sacrificing my greatest treasure to free you from a curse you brought upon yourself. Don’t try to Copyright 2016 - 2024