This Curse - By Alisha Basso Page 0,59

completely shocked at the sparse living conditions.

Lucifer snorted and I turned, surprised at such an inelegant sound. “Your kind was very thick headed.” He sneered, “This is their self proclaimed punishment for allowing their powers to be abused by men. They feel they deserve no finery or luxury. Only what is needed to survive.”

I watched his face, his lip curled as he looked around the meager expanse. “Pathetic, isn’t it? As if it was truly their fault. What a waste of power. Nothing but a sad bunch of whining do-gooders terrified to truly live.”

I closed my eyes at his words, so familiar to me. It seemed the feelings I had were pretty common among my kind. I didn’t think it was pathetic, only a little sad, and depressing.

We stopped a few yards from a small hut. “What will I say to them?” A crazy feeling of euphoria filled my body. Dang, I had no idea just how badly I wanted to see my own kind.

I turned and looked at his profile as he gazed around the village. This was so surreal. I was in a Madea village with Lucifer! He was truly like no other man I had ever seen. He was evil, wrapped in a pretty bow. Lust and temptation oozed from his pores, even with his seductive lure muted, his physical allure was still pretty damn powerful. He was a man who could tempt. He was the ultimate bad boy. The bad boy. I would need to watch this one like a hawk. There was no room for mistakes with him.

No giving in.

He finally turned his blue eyes to me. “Did that internal dialog make you feel more secure? You feel fortified and we may proceed, now?” One side of his mouth lifted in a small smile. “And you needn’t worry about what you will say to them. We aren’t really here, Grace. I’m only showing you shadows of the past. They can not see us and we won’t be able to interfere in anything.”

I smirked. "Hmm, then when I wake up I’ll understand the true meaning of Christmas?”

“Are you always like this?” He grumbled as he pulled my arm. I stumbled after him frowning. He led me to the center of the small village and I realized that it really was beautiful in its simplicity. Tidy little huts lined the narrow dirt road that we had traveled. The well was made of stone and beautifully carved wood. It had a very large opening with a thick rim, large enough to sit upon.

I turned around, taking in all I could of the scenery. Then I froze. My heart sped up and my hands were pools of sweat.

They were really here!

I took a small step toward them. They were talking companionably as they approached the well. I stared as they gathered water. Two women, two Madea! They wore simple white sheath dresses. I felt a small tear slide down my cheek as I examined every inch of them. Their hair resembled mine in so many ways copper and silver strands of shining metallic silk. The only difference was that their hair didn’t dance and sway like Medusa’s snakes.

I was suddenly frantic and I turned to Lucifer, ready to say screw it all, just let them see me! But his eyes were locked in another direction. He looked pained and I stopped and followed the direction of his gaze.

My breath caught. I put my hand on my chest, desperate to keep my heart from bursting through my ribcage.

I was walking towards us!

She, or me was approaching our ghostly bodies. She wore the same simple white dress as the other two; only she seemed to have something extra. Her hair was the same as the others and her skin was just as pale. But there was something. She seemed to glow more.

“My love. You have come.” she yelled and broke into a run.

Oh, I smiled, that something extra was the glow of love.

I turned to see her throw herself into the arms of… Oh my God, no! I felt my jaw drop as she spun in the arms of Lucifer from the past.

The Lucifer from my time was standing close to me. His face a mask of indifference, but I saw his eyes, in that small moment, I saw him feel and that scared the holy shit out of me.

“Her name is Mariee.” He spoke without looking at me. “She is the eldest of her sisters and the leader of the Copyright 2016 - 2024