This Curse - By Alisha Basso Page 0,1

my decision to eliminate my injury for far too long. I still held on to the idea that to hurt was to be human. If I still felt pain, it was part of the balance and helped to secure my humanity, but after traveling to Ann’s wedding, I discovered that the more I resisted using my powers, the harder it would be for me to accept the new me.

I was once human, an everyday bartender from Reno. Then in a twisted shift of fate, I found myself the keeper of a powerful and magical ring. A ring that had hidden itself away until the day it chose me. I often wonder if it truly was fate that had me sitting on the sidewalk that day. Was the ring waiting for me to see it sparkling there amongst the sludge? If this was the case then fate was a real bitch because once I placed that ring on my finger, I was never the same. Not only did the ring fill me with all of its power, but it actually changed me physically, altering my DNA.

And this was my current dilemma. I was no longer human, and it really messed with my head. My mom and dad were human along with everyone I loved.

Monsters were inhuman.

I didn’t want to be one of the monsters.

As far as I was concerned, I had already used too much magic for my liking, so I tried to use it sparingly and only if I had to, which was why my side still burned with pain.

I sat on my bed. Folding my legs, I drew in a deep breath of air. It was time. I had to step up.

I released my breath and concentrated on the burning pain that hid deep inside. As Gavyn had pointed out, the reality was that the wound had healed, my emotions about it had not. He’d said that in order to heal, one must achieve a form of inner peace that would translate to the wound. He’d said that in my case, the wound was no longer festering. I felt the pain because I wouldn’t let the memory go.

Great, I huffed a breath, flipping a stray hair into the air. I might as well stick a friggin’ Bandaid on it and call it good. I let out a cleansing breath and concentrated on the ache in my side. “Okay, girl, get it together.” I mumbled, closing my eyes. I focused my mind again, releasing all my inner turmoil. Step by step, I released my memories.

He was angry. He would reclaim his power.

My chest rose and fell rapidly as it unfolded. His hands squeezed my shoulders, I was frozen with terror. He would take me again. He would send me to some cave far away. The long ago threats of his Council had sent chills up my spine. I’d be alone, chained to some rotting wall just waiting to be pulled from the darkness. He would use my body and steal my power.

He wanted me. His lips had been like ice on my neck, his teeth, like white hot needles threatening to take.

Always take.

But then, a light had come on in my soul. I was stronger. My nightmare was over because I was stronger!

I gripped the bedding in my hands as the memories assaulted me.

I’d pulled away and it had angered him. He’d turned me roughly and yanked the ring from my hand. I remember the joy as I used my power to turn the precious metal into liquid, destroying the ring for ever. I smiled then, as the precious diamond rolled away as worthless to me as a stone.

His smug face had changed, his smile gone, and was replaced with a mask of fury. I tried to use my magic on him. Make him sorry he ever saw me!


He was immune.

I felt my body jerk as the ghost of his fury washed over me. We flew at each other, his movements were meant to subdue. He was so quick and his body so sleek that he was able to avoid my blows while still trying to drag me from the house. I slid out of his grip at every turn.

He was so much stronger and his patience was inexhaustible. I was not.

His grip had been solid around my middle, forcing the air from my lungs as I struggled to scream. He was going to win, he’d gained the front door.

Then I had an idea. My power didn’t work on him, Copyright 2016 - 2024