Crypts and Crimes (Trixie Towers #3) - Scarlett Dawn Page 0,19

eyes finally roving over the crowd to do as he needed to—protect me. “Apologies, Your Royal Highness. You know I am a horrible dancer, and I am anxious someone will ask me at a party like this.”

“Avoid all shifters. Problem solved.”

I turned my attention back to the front doors—the rounded doors were at least made for a royal castle’s entrance, large and imposing, so I didn’t have to duck when I entered. I headed straight for the wine, lifting a flute off a shaking servant’s tray, each delicate glass wobbling as she blinked in a fearful daze at my person. I curled my top lip in abhorrence and turned back to face my companion—knowing a few of my other guards were slipping inside a certain empty castle through windows.

I sipped at the wine and rubbed at my chest again—Princess Trixie was extremely nervous, tediously so. It was a distraction I didn’t need right now. I snarled, “At least it’s the wine from our kingdom.” I took another heady gulp.

Bishop snickered softly, still vigilant in his duty. Elves were starting to swarm inside like bees, their disturbing eyes darting everywhere—and quickly skidding away from mine in fright. He remarked, “I won’t be drinking tonight. Have one for me.”

I believe I will.

I finished the glass and took another from the shaking tray.

A guard attired in red dipped low before me, in a deep bow. I wanted to reach out and slice his pointed ears off…but I behaved. From his lowered position, he requested, “If you will follow me, Your Royal Highness? I have been instructed to show you to the ballroom.”

I took a smaller sip from my new wine flute, staring down at the back of his head where he stared at the spotless floor, steady and calm. This elf held no fear of me—stupid. “The other rulers are already meeting?” They were nowhere in sight.

“They are, Your Royal Highness. My king and his soul mate will be making their appearance shortly.”

The entrance was getting too full for my liking anyway. I tapped the top of his head with the bottom of my flute. “You may rise.”

The elf straightened. A small spark of terror flittered in his eyes before he could hide it. Perhaps he wasn’t utterly foolish. His voice was unruffled, though, as he stated easily, “Follow me, Your Royal Highness.”

Bishop and I trailed behind him, weaving between elves who sputtered and jumped out of our way when they detected us.

With my wine flute dangling down by my side, I chuckled maliciously, lifting one eyebrow at a woman who appeared close to fainting. “So fucking easy.”

“They may look like prey right now, but don’t kill any of them tonight,” Bishop warned gently.

The guard’s shoulders tensed in front of us, but he didn’t comment as he led us down a maze of hallways.

I rolled my eyes at his antics, taking small tastes of my wine occasionally. I swallowed down the succulent alcohol sip by sip, and, finally, when enough was enough with this unneeded frolic—and my drink was running low—I mumbled dryly, “You do realize I’ve been here many times? If you wanted to confuse me about where we’re going, you have failed. You’re only trying my patience. Take a left here and head straight. Do not deviate from that path, or we will leave you behind.”

His shoulders straightened at my threat.

But, thank fuck, he did as ordered.

I replaced my glass with another when we passed under the rounded entrance to King Traevon’s majestic ballroom. I stopped just inside the large space and scanned the unfriendly environment. We had taken so long to arrive that the room was already teeming with elves in their finery. I peered over their heads easily, taking note of King Elon on the far right side of the room, near a large back entrance door—where King Traevon and his soul mate were sure to enter. He was the only royal here so far. The rest, apparently, still being led on a merry jaunt through hallways.

I snorted and walked straight through the elves who stood in my way. My path quickly cleared when they noticed who was near them, although there were a few elves already in attendance who didn’t move as quickly as I liked. Those elves took their time to study my physique, hard intelligence lining their eyes, the elves who weren’t afraid to brawl. There would be more of them as the night wore on; the elf king surrounded himself with the strongest men and Copyright 2016 - 2024