Cruz (Dark and Dirty Sinners' MC #5) - Serena Akeroyd Page 0,83

as I tied Indy into the position I wanted.

A crossroads that delved into the fact I'd only started being a little more masterful because she needed it, but I saw that I needed it too. Maybe not as much as her, maybe just as much. I wouldn't know until we'd been together for a while.

Until we were out of the closet, and the excitement of hiding behind closed doors had waned.

Not that I'd felt that way, but I knew a lot of women liked the idea of the forbidden. Knew it got some of them wet.

Speaking of...

A garbled noise escaped her as I finished my last ties, and I peered at her, saw the anxiety in her eyes, as well as the relief.

Such an odd combination.

I knew she'd expected something worse than this, but she wasn't going to get it.

As this wasn't about sex, I'd stripped her down to her panties, not even complaining about her wearing them when I’d ordered her not to—this was about trust, and with her pussy covered, she knew that from the get-go.

Leaning forward, her stomach against her thighs, I had each forearm bound to her calf, strapped there with a web of knots that ended at just above the elbow and starting in a cup I made around the ball of her foot.

One leg was already complete, the other, I was just making that cup for her heel.

The bright red ball gag stopped her from speaking, but had drool trickling out the sides of her mouth and down her chin, some of it pouring over her tits, some of it landing on the mattress or on her legs.

As I finished the final knot, I stepped back to take in my work of art.

It was good.

Very good.

I'd gone for a white nylon because I'd known the shiny white would look breathtaking against her golden skin, and here was my confirmation.

I hummed as I moved forward, and started to unravel the bun I'd put her hair in at the start. When the shorter strands tumbled loose, I sighed in delight at the picture she presented.

A picture I needed to capture.

Grabbing my phone from my pocket, I snapped her defiant eyes, the grace of her arched back, the intricate knots that made diamond shapes along her limbs, and the general submissiveness of a pose that restricted her movement to that of rolling around the bed and simply spreading her legs wide or closing them.

There was a reason this was called the crab pose.

If this was entirely sexual, I'd have fucked her like this, while she was incapacitated, unable to do anything other than take what I had to give her.

Instead, I was teaching her a lesson.

More garbled noises escaped her as I took a couple dozen pictures, focusing on little points that only I'd recognize and appreciate. The way the skin dimpled under the pressure of the rope here, how one diamond of bound flesh was redder than the next.

When I was done, I returned my phone to my pocket, and eyed the strip of material between her legs which was damp.

And not from her drool.

I shook my head at her, wagging my finger as I murmured, "Good girls get rewarded. Bad girls need to think about what they've done."

I twisted around at that, and started to walk away from the bed. Her garbled words turned higher in pitch, her panic clear. I turned back to look at her and intoned, "Calm down."

But her eyes were wide, and those gorgeous tits of hers were heaving from a combination of panicked breathing and the restrictions of her position.

If she didn't calm down soon, she'd pass the fuck out.

I stared at her, rumbling, "You will calm down, Indy, or the punishment is over and I'll be falling asleep in my bed and not yours."

Her eyes flared wide, but she made a choked effort to gentle her breathing.

I nodded as I headed to the door, where I toed out of my boots and placed them in the rack there. Then, barefoot, I ignored her entirely and went to the kitchen.

Thanks to the open plan nature of her apartment, I knew she could see me from the bedroom, and I made it a point not to look at her once, not now I'd taken all the pictures I needed to remember tonight.

Not that I'd forget what had gone down, not exactly, but at least this way, I'd end it with a better sight than how it had started.

Indy's wet panties were Copyright 2016 - 2024