Cruz (Dark and Dirty Sinners' MC #5) - Serena Akeroyd Page 0,71

me.” He rubbed his chin. “Do you think Lodestar kept the fucker from us?”

I shook my head. “No. She has no interest in our personal security.”

Nyx rolled his eyes, but his temper was dramatically reduced at my less than sterling words.

Only a fool would mistake Lodestar’s reason for being here.

She was on the hunt while running from someone, and we could keep her safe. At the same time, we could protect Katina, she could get to know her sister, Ghost, and I was here—with a battalion of brothers who were willing to fight to bring down her enemies.

Why wouldn’t she stick around?

And though I didn’t put it past her to have some kind of listening device on any of us, and was well aware she was capable of spying on us because she’d somehow found out about Cruz’s Mom being a Fed—hadn’t that been a fucking joke talking her down from shooting his ass?—this just didn’t have her scent. I knew her too well. As much as anyone could know Lodestar, because I’d known her back before this goddamn world had ruined her.

Had ruined me, too.

Sorrow for us both hit me square in the chest, but I’d long since stopped feeling pity for either of us. What was the point? It changed nothing.

Nothing whatsoever.

“If it isn’t Lodestar, then it’s either a brother or one of the bunnies,” Nyx was saying, drawing me from my thoughts like he knew where they’d taken me when that was impossible. His mind was on the breach in our defenses as well as his sister’s welfare.

I reached for him, grabbed his arm and said, “Don’t worry about this. It’s my job and Sin’s. I’ll wake him up. You’re the VP now, you don’t have to deal with this shit, and you have a sister who needs you more than we do.”

He grimaced. “Is it shitty that I’d prefer to handle the security?”

“Probably,” I confirmed, surprised by the admission though I didn’t show it.

“I’ve never been able to get through to Indy. I doubt she even wants me there.”

“You’re her big brother, aren’t you? When shit goes wrong, when it hits the fan and splatters everywhere, don’t you want a psychopathic relative on your side?”

Though his mood was turbulent, his lips twitched at that. “Maverick, you’re so good for my ego.”

“Just saying it like it is.”

“I’m sure.” Ruefully, he smiled at me before he rubbed his chin. “I want to help her.”

“Then help her.”

“I don’t know how.”

“At the moment, I think she just needs to get rid of a body, and hey, that’s something we do on the regular.”

“Yeah, in the grand scheme of things, I guess she isn’t asking for too much from us, is she?” was his dry comment.

“Nope.” My grin died. “You’ve spent all your life fighting for the sister who died, Nyx, maybe it’s time to start fighting for the one who’s alive, hmm?” I spoke with caution, not because I was afraid of him or his reaction, but because I didn’t want to trigger something in him.

His uncle, his sister’s death, all of it had fucked Nyx up. But he’d never seen how his uncle’s abuse and the fallout had affected Indy, or Caleb for that matter. I highly doubted Caleb, AKA Quin, would even be a Sinner if it weren’t for Nyx. As it was, the kid was in state lock up and all because he’d been trying to impress his brother.

Uncle Kev had a lot of sins to lay at his door, but that didn’t mean Nyx had to compound them.

He cleared his throat. “Shit, you don’t really think that, do you?”

“Rarely say what I don’t mean, brother,” I told him softly, clapping him on the shoulder again. “Go on. Go and dig a metaphorical grave for your sister’s enemy. That should put you in a good mood.”

Laughing, he shook his head. “You’re a prick, Mav.”

“You and I both know it,” I agreed, smirking at him, but I watched as he got off the bed and started toward the door. He veered to the left, though, first, and I watched as, before his hand connected with it, he murmured, “I hope she makes you happy, Mav. You deserve that.” Then he tapped, and called out, “Thanks, Ghost. You can come out now.”

She didn’t obey, not until the outer door to my room closed and then she peeped out, staring at me with those big fucking eyes of hers that I felt certain could see into my goddamn soul.

To me, Copyright 2016 - 2024